Chapter 6 - Another Kind of Beans Spilt

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Warning(s): Discrimination, slurs, drugs
Eren Jaeger (16)
Winter of Sophomore Year
Monday, February 10th, 12:03


   "That's the first time I heard that ballerina act so confident in front of us." One of the jocks snickered. "Bet he's shitting his pants now."

   "Guys, shut the fuck up, already." I grumbled, getting up from the table. "He's not even a ballerina. He's a gymnast. Besides, ballerina or gymnast, he's still strong. You're lucky he's so good natured that he hasn't picked a fight with you." I continued to rant, storming away to follow after the blond.

   Back then, Armin was a total twig. But back in 7th grade, he started to train in becoming a gymnast and I have to admit. He's gotten pretty strong these past few years. I've seen him do handstands, cart wheels, back handsprings, all this cool stuff that I honestly couldn't even imagine him doing then. But now... God damn... For once, the blond has shown more confidence in himself. You know what's sexier than a good body? Confidence. Well... His future boyfriend is going to be one lucky guy.

   Armin was leaning against the wall, nervously playing with his sweatshirt zipper. "What did they say?" Armin groaned, knowing quite well that they talk behind his back. "Called you a 'ballerina.' But they weren't saying shit when I went off at them. Don't worry about it. I got you." I assured. "Ah... Better than being called a fag for the millionth time. To be honest, it's not like that slur even effects me anymore." The blond sighed with a helpless shrug. I sighed and placed my hands on my hips as I looked at the blond attentively. "What's up?"

   "The ceiling." Armin let out a little chuckle, giving me with little witty smile.

   I rolled my eyes and said "Let me try that again. What's wrong?"

   The blond froze in his spot, licking his lips nervously as he fidgeted around with his fingers. He sputtered softly, waring his struggle right out on his sleeve. I made sure to stay quiet for him, quite used to his flustered nature.

   "Well, um...-"

   "Hey Eren." One of the girls passing in the hall called to me, smiling flirtatiously at me. "Good luck at the game tonight." She cooed, making my fingers curl. I hate her...

   With a forced smile, I smoothly replied. "I'll see you there, right?"

   "Front row cheering you on." She swung past me and Armin, shooting the blond a dirty look. "Hey, faggot." He blond wasn't phased. He didn't even acknowledge her.

   As soon as she entered the cafeteria, my eyes built up with hate with the same damn smile plastered on my face, causing the blond to stand taller. I didn't even scold her or say anything... Why the hell didn't I?

   "Eren, you're obviously not happy with your new friends. You never are. Why do you hang out with them?" He asked in a delicate, concerned tone.

   My eyes fluttered, gulping lightly as I felt the urge to push him away. Shamefully run back into the cafeteria and pretend like nothing happened.

   But those eyes made me want to stay... Wait, what..?

   "Look, Eren. In my opinion, I don't think you need them. I know it's a bold thing to say but they seem to always make you upset when I'm around. You never genuinely look enthralled around them. Like with that girl who just passed. She... she obviously d-digs you but what you said was so... forced."

   I blinked at the blond in astonishment. Of course he can read me like a book! He's known me all my life. How could I be so dumb in thinking he wouldn't say anything?

   I sighed and closed my eyes, shaking my head slightly. "No, it's not like that." I immediately lied, trying to find a scapegoat. "It's just... My mom and I got in a fight last night." I whispered a truth to the blond, leaning my hip and elbow on the wall, the side of my index touching my lips. The blond crossed his arms, hands tucked away as he looked at me with pity. "I'm so sorry... She's still shaken?"

   "Yeah... I can't wrap my head around why. It's been years since it happened." I hissed as I looked to the floor, shaking my head disapprovingly. "We haven't talked since." I sent my hand flying in my helpless state, mimicking Armin's arm fold.

   The blond looked almost distracted as he listened to me, licking his chapped lips before saying "You can talk to me, Eren."

   My shoulders sunk, hesitantly stepping closer to wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him into a desperate hug. The blond accepted, pressing himself against me with his arms laced around my waist. I could feel his heart pounding, his body shaking and quivering.

   I didn't know why. I couldn't tell if he was excited or scared. Because I felt both emotions and my hands were shaking. I didn't want to let him go.

   "E-Eren, I-" The blond's voice cracked beside my ear. But he was interrupted by a meandering hall monitor who snapped "Okay, you two. Break it up and get back in the cafeteria. This isn't a place to... 'hang out."

   We both jumped and pulled away, wearing a shocked expression. The blond harshly gulped and looked to me. Standing up straighter, I pulled out a forged hall pass from my pocket. "We were just... passing off the hall pass to the bathroom."

   "Mhmm. Yeah right." She rolled her eyes, standing there until we parted ways.

   "I'll see ya' later." I said the blond who looked absolutely crushed... But about what?

   I swiftly made my way down the hall, hearing the cafeteria door open and close. Then what followed were the slow footsteps of the monitor stalking behind me. I could feel her gaze weigh down on me. "Stupid bitch..." I muttered under my breath, widely swinging the gender neutral single bathroom door open till it slammed on the wall, allowing me to slip in before is closed shut. She can't get me in here.

   No one would shit in here because this bathroom is fucking weird. All the druggies used this one. It looked like it used to be a men's restroom. There was a urinal, of course. But if you look to the ground, you can see the marks on the floor where two other stalls were. The outer nonexistent stall had bare pipes where a toilet used to be. Then right beside that was a toilet. Just out in the open. I wonder if it's even functional. I'm guessing it wasn't since there was no water in there. What was in there were empty juul pods. I'm not really a smoker, but damn, does a smoke sound good right now.

   Right beside that toilet was an actual, fully functioning and normal stall. I made sure I locked the door behind me and then tugged my pants down and took a seat down in the normal stall, not bothering to close the stall door. I didn't even have to go. I just sat there with my head in my hands, replaying the whole scene that took place.

   Armin's eyes kept popping back into my head. His big, ocean-blue orbs...

   I could feel my breathe quicken, gulping harshly. I started to panic... They won't leave my head! All I can think about his him. He's like a plague. He just... he completely infected my mind last summer and I don't know why! It's all so sudden!

   I could feel tears roll down my face, not even noticing that I had started to hyperventilate. My fingernails sunk into my scalp, eyes wide open in awe.

There is absolutely no way that I'm gay for my best friend.

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