Chapter 23 - I Knew It!

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Warning: Mature topics, Alcohol
Armin Arlert (17)
Fall of Junior Year
Saturday, December 19th, 7:57pm


I swear that I'm a good kid. But I'm also a teenager which means I'm going to be a bit rebellious. My brain says tonight will be a bad idea because I might drink too much. But my heart says that a bottle wont hurt me. The thought of drinking now used to be completely unacceptable but I'm safe with people I trust. Testing out a little taboo shouldn't hurt. Just as long as I keep quiet about it.

Eren definitely had to help work me up to taking even just a sip. The others all dug in like drunkards leaving me as the last man standing. We established a rule that no one has to drink if they didn't want to but I kinda did since I've never gotten drunk. And I'm with people I trust (Well, maybe except Jean) so I should be safe. But since they knew I wanted to try, they started to chant at me before I finally took my first sip of Rosé. It was actually... delicious. Then they kept saying "Oooh Armin's probably a classy type."

A couple sips had me woozy, no surprise there. All my friends seemed to be taking a hit too. We were all just laughing and stumbling on our words as he we all lounged about Eren's living room. I maybe got a little extra pampered since Eren saved a spot for me on their comfy couch with a big fluffy blanket with my name written on it.

This party was actually a gift exchanging party. A secret Santa thing. Eren told me he cheated the system and made us each others secret Santas. He said that tonight might be a good night to tell everyone that we were together which I agreed on.

Sasha, Connie, Jean, Marco, and Mikasa were all here with us. Mikasa sat next to me since this couch could fit 3 people even though it was like a love seat. She just had to cuddle up next to me which I didn't mind. Eren and I told her our plan for tonight so she's on the same track as us. For now, I clung to Mikasa. But when either Eren or I got our present, we'll kiss! That's cute, right..?

After a couple presents went around, Eren eventually got his. I couldn't help be squeeze Mikasa out of excitement, feeling the adrenaline rush really kick in. She patted my knee gently, our comforting acts hidden underneath the blanket.

Eren glanced at me once with a knowing smile, muttering "I'm hoping it's another one of Sasha's foodie gifts." Everyone bought the diversion and laughed along, Sasha proudly sitting up with a cheeky smile "Nope! It isn't, this time!" She giggled.

Eren gave me a quick wink with the eye no one could see except Mikasa and I. Taking a deep breath, I said "No, It's from me."

Everyone's eyes were affixed on the couch now. I carefully pulled away from Mikasa and faced Eren, tucking my legs up on to the couch. He started ripping away the wrapping paper as the other muttered to one another, allowing me to take some nice deep breaths.

Once he peeled off the paper, a white box with a red ribbon was wrapped around it. Though the ribbon was just for show. You could just remove the top without untying the ribbon. Yet Eren tried to untie it anyways.

As he struggled, we all chuckled at him. "This thing is glued shut!" He tried to justify himself. "Eren, just lift the lid up." I scooted a bit closer as I lifted the lid a tiny bit, showing that it was open. "Oooh!" He snorted, joining in on the laughter.

The brunet looked up at me with a little smile before looking back down to open the lid up. He pulled out some tissue paper and gasped, looking up at me as he said "No way!"

Bittersweet ~ Eremin ~ Modern AUWhere stories live. Discover now