Meet the Thotties: Part 1

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After a long dreadful class, it was time for second period, painting. This calms me down, I get to express myself through my artwork. Angela told me I could sit anywhere. I plopped myself down next to a doll like girl in a pink jacket. Her ringlets covering most of her face. And if you thought Math class was bad. Guess what? Porsha and Jade were in my painting class too! They gave me a face and sat right next to Angela in the front left corner of the class. The setup of this room was different. A black curtain behind us, marble table, and a black chalky floor.

A middle age woman with long brunette hair walked into the room. She wore red converse, a fur coat, and a green t shirt inside.

"Good morning Miss Laiden!" Shouted Porsha.

"Good morning Porsha. Good morning class. To start off this week. We will be doing some simple art," Miss Laiden began. "What makes you happy?
A specific person? An object? A new pet? Pick one and paint a picture of that. We will present this at the end of the class for 15 points." She told us.
"Any questions? No. Alright everyone. Get to work and express yourself!" She finished off and sat by her desk.

~40 minutes later~

"Lovely artwork Justin," Miss Laiden complimented. Who would like to present next?"

Hands were raised all over the room. I kept mine down.

"Jade!" She called.

She confidently walked to the front of the room. Flipping her long ponytail.

"What makes me happy is..." She held up a vibrant poster with glitter all over. "My iPhone 11 Pro Max and my AirPods Pro."

"Ah interesting. How do these things make you happy?"

"Well, I can call and text my friends, and post my selfies to Instagram. And I can listen to any music I want on my AirPods!" Jade exclaimed.

"Well done Jade, you may take a seat. Who would like to present next?"

She looked around the room and meant my eyes.
"How about our new student, Blaire."

I got butterflies in my stomach. I slowly stood up and walked to the front. After waiting for the class to be silent. I shakily held the poster.

"What makes me happy is my family. This is me in the center, with my mom and dad."

"What are you guys doing there?" Miss Laiden asked.

"We are playing Just Dance." I looked up and saw Porsha whispering something to Angela.

"And our family do make us happy, do they?"
"Yeah," I replied under my breath.

"Nice work, you may sit down sweetie."

Porsha and the girls rolled their eyes and clapped slowly. Faking their smiles.


After punching in my ID number, I carried my tray looking for a place to sit in the cafeteria. The area was flooded with kids. All grouping themselves with their friends. Some sat by the stairs leading to the second floor. Some say by the window, which gave a magnificent view of the swimming pool and football field. I walked to the center scanning the place and saw the three girls. "The Thotties."
"Hey Angela look, it's your new friend," Porsha teased.

Angela cupped her hands and whispered something to her. I walked away pretending to ignore them.

"Is she going to sit with us?" Jade whispered too loudly.

I walked to the end of our massive cafeteria. Seeing the same girl with the light brown ringlets. Sitting by herself on a rusty table near the bathroom. Her head, buried in her book.

"Hi." I took a seat next to her.

She looked up at me.

"You're in my class. Math and painting?"

"Uh...yeah." She answered while packing up her stuff. "I have to go." The girl walked out of the cafeteria.

Leaving me all by myself. Feeling of sorrow rushed through my veins. I lost hope of making friends.

"Is she really sitting alone?" I heard Porsha's voice from the back and the sound of a camera snapping.

~Fifth Period~

Finally, we are nearing the end up the school day. AP Lang was my last class. Our teacher, a dark skinned man wearing a plaid collar shirt and a fine tie started to explain our assignment. And yes. You guessed it. The Thotties were in my class. Mr. Beck placed me right at their table.

"Like I said last week, we are starting a new unit. Poetry. To start off, I want you guys to write a poem to five people. Two you are friends with, and three kids in your class, that you never talked to before. We have a new student, this is a great opportunity." He looked at me. "Your rubric is in the class website. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Oh, and we will be delivering these poetries towards the end of class in these boxes." Mr. Beck held up a plain white box and told us to write our names on them.

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