Celebration of Life and Death

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I was about to sprint out of there, when suddenly I remembered that I was pregnant. Instead, I sped walked down the stairs, push the door open and carefully hopped down onto the patio. Several black vans pulled up by the house, many girls with white collared dresses stepped out followed by men in suits and ties. I saw a familiar face, her red head band
caught my attention. Abigail ran to where I stood. It was too late to escape.

"Child, I apologize for scaring you the other day."

"You had a shovel in the back seat." I argued with her.

"My dear sister wanted me to return it to our coven."  She said politely. "Before I forget, congratulations on your pregnancy." She brushed her dark hair, looking at the house behind me.

"Did Kalani tell you?" I asked with a smile.

"No." Abigail pointed to my abdomen.

I looked down seeing that is had grown two sizes bigger. I panicked, gasping for air. How has this happened? I haven't even told my parents yet.

"It's a special one." Replied Abigail, walking back to the crowd standing by the van, setting things up.

I touched my stomach. Feeling slight movement inside. This is Kevin's child. The only thing to do, is love him or her.

I walked over to the witches and warlocks, pulling out drums, knives, and mysterious boxes.

"Put this on. We are wearing it for the Blood Moon." Abigail handed me a white sleeveless dress that hung to the floor.

"Sister Abigail, where is our sacrifice?" A red head girl with a braided bun asked.

"Right here." She slammed a voodoo doll onto a wooden table by us. It resembled Porsha.

I felt a tap on my shoulder that made me drop my dress to the dirt floor.

"Sorry. I forgot you were pregnant." Said Kalani, holding a Tupperware. Clara stood behind her carrying plastic cups.

"It's pretty obvious." I said pointing to my stomach.

Clara's eyes widen. "That was quick. Do you have a name yet?" She asked.

"No. I'll think of it later. So how does the sacrifice work?" I faced Kalani who was setting up some decorations.

"It's my first blood moon. But what I've heard, we bring our sacrifice with the help of a voodoo doll." She held the doll of Porsha. "Wrapped red ribbons around it and throw her in the middle of a Pentagram in the woods. We sing a song while walking over to an old cabin across the lake. Porsha should appear when the song is almost over. When the clock strikes 12, we chant in a large circle while wearing these dresses." She pointed to a rack of dark lace dresses in the van. "I don't know what the boys wears, but then your grab the knife and kill her. The exact moment the moon aligns with the tree."

"How will Kevin come back?" I asked, still heartbroken about boy I've dated for 5 months.

"We will plant a bell 6ft underground. When it rings. He's here."

"Blaire, is going to...kill her?" Asked Clara, her voice shaking. "I wanted to get revenge on Porsha, but this is too far."

"Child, it's a witch tradition. We have been doing it for decades on every blood moon. I was an infant the last time we celebrated. Time to relive it again." Abigail and Kalani walked deep into the woods, followed by a couple members of the coven.

"Everything is going to ok Clara. It's for Kevin, and his baby." I had a flashback to the first website I saw of the woman and the baby. That was Abigail. It's pretty obvious. But it's mind blowing for watt pad readers.

~That Night~

I took off my third layer of baggy sweaters to hide my baby bump. My parents had settled things up with the Zacreds. They were going to see the sacrifice too. I have to tell them before the baby is born. I unlocked the bathroom door, seeing both of them watching a corny sitcom on T.V. I sighed, then walked right up to my parents.

"Mom. Dad." They looked up at me. "I'm pregnant."

"Congratulations, baby."

"We will help you raise the child."

That went well.

~Night of the Blood Moon~

I spent the entire day in bed. Exhausted, nauseous, craving all sorts of food from growing a kid. Feeling non stop kicking from the baby. Being pregnant is so fun! My parents and friends would pop in and out of the room, giving me updates of how things are going.

Kalani and the coven have finished decorating the woods for the celebration. Her and Clara have rehearsed a song that they quickly taught me. If I had the energy to get out of bed and joined. If not, Clara would have to take over. The coven would have to reach in and pull out bravery from the girl in order to do so. I turned on the phone to check the time. 8:40pm. I need to be out there by 11:00. I thought I would recover. But my symptoms have gotten worst. It's now 9:12pm. The motel room quite. I laid in bed alone. A red glow from the night sky hit my face. It's almost time. My phone buzzed with a text from Kalani 
We'll B there in 5 minutes to pick U up.

I forced myself to get out of bed. My abdomen felt heavy. My back ached. As I uncovered the blanket off my body, I noticed that my stomach has swollen up even more. I couldn't see the lower half of my myself with this bump blocking my view. I walked over to the bathroom mirror. Somehow, I became 9 months pregnant in 3 days. At least my water hasn't broke yet. Waddling back to bed where my white dress was, I picked up the clothing and felt immense pressure by my va jay jay. With a splash of cold water running between my legs. Forming a puddle onto the wool carpet.

I spoke too soon. Time to give birth!

Kalani and Abigail ran in my room since I forgot to lock the door. They saw me standing in confusion. With my legs spread out.

"Get back in bed." Ordered Abigail.

I did as she told me. Awkwardly lifting both feet in the air. I felt something fall out. Then a baby crying.

"It's a boy!" Abigail said in excitement.

"Awww, he's so cute." Complimented Kalani. "I'm an aunt!"

I held my child for the first time, his light pink skin covered in my blood. His dark wet hair, and tiny feet.  I held his hand. Smaller than any doll I played with as a kid. Abigail cleaned him up with towels provided by the motel, then Kalani cut the cord.

"This child needs a name."

"Blake. After his father's middle name."

"How precious." Said Kalani.

The sisters swaddled my baby in a white blanket. Softly brushing his hair.

"Now that that's over, time to sacrifice the Thot."

I jumped out of bed and ran into the cold night. Carrying the white dress with me.

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