My Best Friend's a Witch (Actually Happened)

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After giving the unexpected news to my mom about detention, I was stuck cleaning the bathroom with Kalani. I heard her gagging as she flushed the toilet in the handicap stall.
"Why can't people flush their own shit?"  She slammed the door with anger. Vice Principe Myra gave me a broom to sweep up pieces of Clara's hair on the floor. Bright golden ringlets when they are shined in bathroom light.
"Why were you hanging out with Porsha?" I asked her while throwing away the hair.
She shrugged. "She made me." Kalani went back to cleaning more stalls.

I threw the broom across the bathroom, put on my rubber gloves, then picked up damped paper towels lying on the shiny checkered floor.
"I mean I don't blame you." I said.
"What do you mean?" Kalani asked, spinning to face me.
"Porsha. She's... she's pretty." I told her. "Everyone here seems to like her. She has a great group of friends and is praised by all the teachers. Until now. But that's not my point."
"I'm not hanging out with her based on her physical attraction." She shook her head walking out of the stall.
"Then why? Why did you leave in that creepy car last week? Why did you agree to sit with her and help her with that... wicked scheme?" I was close to tearing up. Anger and frustration rose inside. I turned to face the mirror. Viewing myself in the reflection. My dis formed jaw, my skin complexion, my wild dark hair that looks like I've been electrocuted, my overlarge sweaters covering half my body.

I heard light footsteps which squeaked from the floor walk towards me. I saw Kalani's face in the mirror, softly brushing my hair with her fingers.
"You know. Porsha's injury wasn't an accident." She said.
"I don't want to talk about her anyone I don't care. Lets just finish this and go home." I continued to pick up the trash on the floor, looking up seeing Kalani still watching. "What? I'm done with this conversation."
"Are you a happy when you moved here?" Kalani asked linking her fingers together.
"Of course not. Why ask?" Looking up.
"Because nothing haunts us more, than the things we do. My sister told me this. If you don't speak up, they will always see you as the victim and keep hurting you more. If you run away from your problems crying, they will see you as weak. And use your weakness against you. But if you find their weaknesses first, you can use it against them. And break her apart." Kalani held out her hands and pulled me off the floor.
I got a vivid flashback of cheer practice that day. Porsha slipping off, her foot bending backwards.

"What do you mean it wasn't an accident?" I asked Kalani, now interested.
She looked down, then back up making eye contact. "Things don't happen for no reason. Wether it's a good or bad cause." She paused, then moved a strain of hair away from her eyes. "I used an incantation spell on Porsha."
I took a step back. Eyebrows raised. Not grasping what she just said.
"No. That can't be real. We're not in a movie." I told her.
"Even the Doctors don't know what caused it." She said with a smirk.
"Does that also explain the smoke coming out of your lunchbox, and the eerie black car, and how you are always busy with family things?" I asked amazed.
"Practically." She said. "I'm a witch."

"But.. how... this can't be." I was lost in words. Not knowing how to respond. "I mean, it makes sense. But oh my gosh!" I ran to Kalani hugging her. "You have to curse Porsha, again." I begged.
"It's a long story about our history. I can't go too far. My mom doesn't know anything about Porsha." She said. "And it was my sister's idea to do this. After I mentioned you being bullied by her."
I spun back to face the mirror. An idea popping in my mind.
"If you can't curse Porsha. Can you do something for me?" I asked her, hoping for Kalani to say yes.
"Ok, like what?" She asked.
I bit the lower parts of my lip, held my breath, then let it out.
"I want beauty." I demanded.
"Beauty?" She furrowed her eyebrows.
"Yes. I want to be beautiful. Look at me! I'm thin, weak, defenless."
She put her hands on my back.
"Look into the mirror." Kalani said.
I did what she told me to. Staring deep into my own reflection.
"Now close your eyes. And picture the most beautiful woman you ever seen. She's brave, has nice posture, she takes care of herself."

I saw darkness, then colorful light. There she stood, tall, beautiful, mysterious. Her hair nicely brushed, her clothes neatly designed, her eyes majestically appealing. She's the person I want to be. Her looks, everything.
"Now open." I heard Kalani say.
I opened by eyes, the light blinding me before my vision slowly came to focused on my reflection. Nothing changed. My hair still the same, my face structure still deformed, my posture horrendously bad. But one thing was off. I pulled my face closer to the mirror. My eyes once dark brown, was now violet.
I whipped to face Kalani.
"I thought you would change more than my eyes?"
"Beauty is pain. It's a longer process than this." She said. "Let's hurry up in here and go home."

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