Finally Falling

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Both of my parents are working late this evening. My mom had a long night at the court house, and my dad is at his ceramic studio. Kevin and I sat on my bed doing homework. I occasionally glanced over to help solve equations. While I either focuses on my phone or my AP chem study guide to avoid our awkward exchange. Moments later, he broke the silence.
"How did cheer practice go." Kevin asked looking up at me.

"It went well. Until the end..." I trailed off. "We just started learning a new choreography, to the song Cherry Bomb."

"I think I've heard that song in a movie trailer." He looked to the side.

"I don't watch many movies. But Porsha got the lead. To sing. In front of the whole crowd at the games in 2 weeks." I said.

"Good for her. Aren't you also part of the center? That's what I've heard from Kalani." He meant by eyes.

"Yeah. I am. It's not really a big role."
"It's your first school performance! I might come watch." Keven picked up his pencil and went back to doing his math homework.

I blushed then smiled shyly at him. I don't get many nights alone at my house. My parents are very over protective. But inviting a boy to my room is the best thing that had ever happened to me ever since moving here. Maybe things are starting to get better. The advice my mom gave me helped significantly. Kevin repositioned himself on my bed. I saw him stare at me from the corner of his eyes.
"What?" I asked smiling.

"Have you ever dated anyone before?"

"No. Why would you ask that?" I questioned.

"No reason. You're 17 right?" He got closer to me.
"I am. Why?" My face felt warm as I shifted an inch away.

And this is where my life took a turn.
He pulled his face closer, his  lips touching mine. I let it happen. You guessed it! We did it again!
Kevin began unbuttoning his shirt while I sat there staring.

"I can't Kevin." I said shaking my head.

"It's only one night, I'm always careful." He told me.
His took his shirt completely off pulling me closer into him.

"Take it off." He began pulling up my sweater. I was lost in thoughts in this beautiful boy's eyes. I did what he told me. All of these emotions overpowered my mind. I went along with it.

"Do you like it?" He asked.

I nod in agreement. Unable to speak.
We ended things before my parents got home. Then it was back to being me.

~2 weeks later~

Yes. I aced my AP Chemistry test. And no, I am not pregnant. The cheer team and I stood in the hot humid sun out in the field. Working on our last minute rehearsal before the game tomorrow night.

"We have only 2 days. This period, and tomorrow at lunch and after school. I want everything to be spot on to what we have been practicing." Said Molly. "The clock is ticking. Everyone get in your groups." She clapped her hands together for us to be energized.

We scattered out to our positions. Mr. Johnson blasted our song.

"Hello, daddy. Hello, mom. I'm your ch- ch- ch- cherry bomb!"
Sang Porsha kicking her leg high up in the air as the rest of us tumbled behind her.
"Hello world! I'm your wild girl." She threw out her hands stimulating a tiger growling.

We finished off the choreography by running off the field.

"That was good. But it could be better." Said Mrs. Johnson

I heard sighs and groans from the girls.

"Porsha, more emotion towards the end. I want to see you more act sassy, more powerful. And group 2," she pointed at them. "Lift her up as the same time as everyone else, you guys were a second behind."

"Exactly! I know it's hot today. But get into the beat." Added Molly.

"Let's do this group by group without the music so I can point you out individually. Group 3, your first. The rest of you stand out of the way." Mrs. Johnson ordered. "And 5 6 7 8".

"You know Blaire." Porsha spoke to me, setting down her water bottle. "Kevin is only dating you, because he broke up with Maddie last summer. She cheated on him. He's only with you to make her jealous."

"We're not-" I had a flashback of that night.
Porsha put her hands over her hips, "Even if you were attractive no one would love you."
I wanted to rip her mouth off and kick her to the ground. But instead...
"That's not true.... he... he moved on." I said while trying to hold it together.

"Truth hurts." She turned her back at me, then walked off to find Jade.

"Don't listen to her." Said Kalani looking at me with concern.

"Group 1 you are up."

I quickly wiped my tears with the back of my hand before running back to position.

"Don't drop me." I heard Porsha say while grabbing on to my shoulder.
"And 5     6      7      8." Counted our coach between claps.

I lifted Porsha up in the air with the help of my group. Then heard a snap sound which led to a high pitch scream. Porsha came flying down, landing on Natalie and Gabriella. Mrs. Johnson came running towards the girl crying in agony on the floor.

"I didn't drop her!" Cried out Natalie.

"Holy shit what happened? Asked Everly.

Her once perfect body, now curled up as a ball on the floor, grabbing her foot which is now completed turned itself facing up. Her face as red as her shoes, tears streaming down her cheeks messing up her eyeliner. Her makeup, now portraying a clown.

"Porsha! Listen to me. It's going to be ok.Everything's going to be ok." Comforted Mrs. Johnson sitting on the ground, placing Porsha's head to her lap. "Sh sh sh you will be fine. Someone get the nurse! Anybody!" She shouted.

Jade and Molly sprinted out of the field their ponytails flowing into the afternoon sun.

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