Meet the Thotties: Part 2

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"I made this for you," I slid my poetry card in the box to the girl with brown ringlets.

She shyly smiled back.

I sat back in my desk waiting for the teacher to give out instructions.

"Hey girls, listen to this." Said Porsha. "Roses are red, Violets are blue, you're the loser hoe, and no one likes you. Jk. Made it with love, for a SpeCiAl girl like you." They giggled. "Go send it to Clara." Porsha ordered Jade. "Watch this."

Jade placed the card inside the box that belonged to the girl with brown ringlets. She happily skipped back to us, with a big grin on her face.

"Happy when she gets it." Added Angela. "Sad when she reads it," she put her finger by the corner of her eyes, stimulating a tear drop and pursing her lips.
Porsha repeated the same thing.


I looked at Clara and back at them. Still giggling.

"Alright class, you may now open your boxes."

The whole class burst in excitement to see the mystery inside of their white box.

"I got so many!" Exclaimed Angela.

"Me too. Awww, did you make this for me Liam?" Said Porsha, mimicking a baby's voice to a blonde broad guy wearing a jersey shirt. "He's the best boyfriend ever." She held the card close to her chest.

I opened my box. Empty. Not a trace of cards inside.

"Wow, nice drawing." Angela turned to me, holding the card I'd made for her.

"Thank you. I like to draw."

"Really? I like tracing it on the computer more." Porsha cut me off. She looked down at my box. "Did no one give you a card? How sad."

I stayed silent. Nodding in agreement.

"Hey, maybe they all fell on the floor." Replied Jade.

"Yeah." All three of them got out of their chaired and bended to the floor. I did the same.


I slowly peaked up.

"I can't believe she fell for it." Laughed Porsha.

"Attention everyone." Mr. Beck clapped his hands as the voices faded down. "Cheer tryouts our next week. I just got an email. If you want to try out. Permission slips are at the office. They are due this Thursday."

"Are you going to try out, Porsha?" Asked Jade.

"I don't need to try out. I'm already an expert." She sassed back.

The bell ran as students flooded out the door. I got off the floor and packed my things. I've been in enrolled in cheer for 6 years. Maybe I can finally proved to everyone who I really am. I exited the class and made by way to the office. Following a group of girls.

"Is she really going to try out?" Asked Angela turning back to look at me.

"Don't worry. Like she will make it in the team." Replied Porsha.

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