Squad Goals

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~Wednesday evening~

I sat on my comfortable red couch with a cup of warm hot chocolate in my hand. My mom sat by me.
"I can't believe those girls would do that. Calling their own peers homeless." She sighed.
"It's not just that. They done worst." I told her.
"Have they done anything to you?" She asked, eyebrows raised.
"N...no, they haven't. Only...Clara." I lied staring into my cup, warm smoke rising into the air.
My dad walked in holding a pile of mails and a pair of scissors.
"Good for you for being friends with her. After all she has been through." He said.
"I just wanted to help. Porsha, she's..." I paused, thinking of a word to describe that bitch. "She's a maniac."
My mom put her arms around me. "We've all meant that one person in our lives. And sometimes, you can't hate them until knowing their full story. They could have something going on. Like Clara." She brushed my hair with her fingers.
"But she can't have something going on, mom." I told her. "Porsha's perfect. She's pretty, everyone worships her like a goddess, she's an IG model."

"Think of it this way. You only see her at school. You don't know what she's like at home."
"Wow, I never thought it in that way. But that doesn't make her less of a good person." I drank my hot chocolate. Warm and sweet.

There was a knock at the door that made me flinch. Who could be here this late?
My dad got up to answer it. The muffled voices behind the wall made it difficult for me to make out who it was.
My mom examined me closely in my face, her brows furrowed.
"Why are your eyes purple?" She asked confused.
My eyes widen, silently gasping. Damn, I forgot. I made up a quick excuse.
"Um... it's a thing we are doing in cheer. Yeah, they're color contacts." I bit my lip hoping she'll believe my lie.
"Don't forget to take them off before bed." She said.
I nodded.
"Blaire." My dad stuck his head into the living room. "It's a boy from school. I think, Kevin."

I got up from the couch, quickly making my way to the door to greet him. He stood there, a bouquet of pink tulips in his hands neatly tied in a red ribbon.
"Hey." I said to him. "What's are you doing here this late?"
"To bring you these." He held out the bouquet. "Can you give them to Clara if you see her?"
I took the tulips from him, a scent of nature kicking in my nostrils.
"I thought they were for me?" I said jokingly.
He smiled. "It would be for you. If Clara didn't have it worst."
"Come in." I invited Kevin into my bedroom, setting the flowers down on my desk.
"I'll give them to her if she comes to school tomorrow." I told him.
"I hope she's doing ok. Porsha can be brutal at times."
"At times?" I questioned. "She's been brutal everyday. She wants to make my life miserable. She wants to hurt my closes friends. Then maybe my family, I don't want to think about it." I hugged him, placing my head on his shoulder.
He stroke my hair.
"The best thing to do is tell someone. Who knows what she plans down the rode." He said softly.
"I know. But it's hard." I pulled away remembering something.
"Is it true? You and Maddie?"
"Did Porsha tell you?"
I nodded.
"I'm over her. After she moved away. I don't care who she dates now." He told me.
I put my arms around him. Kevin placed his hands onto my hips. I looked deep into his emerald eyes. I have to admit, I love him. I slept with this boy a month ago. Our feelings have been distinct since. Until this moment. He leaned, his lips slowly in contact with mine. Warm. A strange sweet feeling.
"Why are your eyes purple?" He asked after our kiss.
"They're violet." I pulled his arm out of my bedroom before my parents suspected anything. Or before Kevin asked more questions about my appearance.
And even better. He kissed me on the forehead before getting into his car!

~A week later~

I spotted Clara walking into first period. She wore a light pink headband covering most of her hair.
"Clara." I called. "I have to talk to you."
She threw her backpack on the ground and pulled out her computer. "I don't want to talk to you." She said.
"Clara." Kalani came in the room standing next to me. "Blaire did not tell Porsha you were homeless. We overheard you guys talking in the music room. That's how Porsha knew."
Clara looked at me. "Is it true?"
"Yes. I always keep secrets." I told her.
She smiled then hugged me.

"Alright everyone, take your seats." Said Mr. Myers.
I went over to my desk, sitting next to the Thotties.
"Porsha and Jade, don't get too comfortable. Jade, you will be moving to Table 7." He pointed at the far back to an empty seat.
"That's not fair." She whined.
"And Porsha. You will be switching seats with Kalani at table 9." He pointed over to where my friend sat.
"But I can't see back there." Porsha informed.
"Then we'll send a note home to get your eyes check. In the mean time, pack your things and head to table 9."
She heavily sigh, then walked angrily to the back.
"And Clara." Said Mr. Myers. "I'm moving you to table 4."
I couldn't believe what I was hearing. My two best friends were moving to my table. They happily plopped their supplies, then took a seat. We squealed after hearing what our teacher said. The school day is going great so far.
"Clara, Kevin wanted me to give you this." I picked up the tulips from the floor.
"Oh, thanks." She said. "Why, I thought he was dating you?"
"It's a gift. After what Porsha did to you." I told her. She took the flowers from me.

Ever since that day in math class. The three of us hanged out outside of school. We went shopping at the mall, went to see a movie, had a sleepover, painted some more of my dad's potteries. This is what it felt like to be a teenager. Freedom. Fun. Adventure. Love.

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