Burying Love

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~June 7, 2020~

Today, was suppose to be a special day for the O'Connors. It was Kevin's 18th Birthday. Instead of celebrating with balloons, cake, and loud music blasting through the speakers. We wore black dresses, suits, and veils, carrying fruit baskets and flowers. My parents and I packed ourselves into the car. We drove past the calm quite meadow forest, followed by a peaceful river with birds chirping, to a Victorian style home. A large sign written in the words Zacred Mortuary greeted us as we drove to find parking. The place was filled with cars and people decked in dark clothes, mourning their loss.

As we made our way into the home, Kalani's brother, handed us programs of the funeral. There was a picture of Kevin in the back. I tried to hold it in for everyone. Service begins at 10:00.

I spotted Kalani and Clara chatting with some of Kevin's friends by the front door. I went up to them.

"How did court go?" Kalani asked fidgeting with a piece of paper.
"It went well. Porsha is sentenced 9 years." I said hiding back sorrow from the depressing environment that surrounded us.
"Yeah. I like the part where they dragged her away." Added in Clara.

"That bitch got what she deserved." Said Alex.
"Death sentence is what she deserves." I told him.

Moments later, the service began. We were guided into a large room with posters and photographs of my beloved boyfriend. The crowd was filled with Kevin's relatives and kids I'd recognize from school. Everyone was quite, hardly exchanging words to one another.
In the front stood a couple of men in tuxedos preparing the memorial. Flowers arranged on the floors, by a miniature window letting out a ray of sunlight, and on the coffin where Kevin layed inside. A nice gold shine reflected on top of it. Rows of wooden benches presented themselves in front of us.

My parents and I took a seat towards the edge of the middle row. Me, closes to the window sill. Farthest away from the view of the coffin. I can't bare to stare at the object, with Kevin in an endless sleep.

Kalani walked up the front, followed by a man who she told me, was her father.

He cleared his throat and began the introduction. "Good morning everyone. We are gathered here today to mourn the loss of an amiable young teen,  Kevin O'Connor. A true gift to this Earth that has left us too soon. We are deeply sorry for the family of this lovely young lad. We pray for everything you are going through." He flipped his paper to the other side. "But today, isn't like other funerals. Today, is also Kevin's 18th birthday. Since he's not here to celebrate with us down on Earth. We will celebrate for him."

A great tremor overtook me. I felt a tightening in my throat, my eyes deeply shut trying not to let tears out.

He continued with the speech. "My daughter and her friends put on a special slideshow, followed by a song that they had written themselves for Kevin." He pulled out a plastic white remote out of his pocket, and flipped on a photo of Kevin as a baby. The room filled with silent sobs from the closest family members.

Clara, Alex, and Kalani quickly set up a keyboard in the front of the room. They scrambled with the notes and song lyrics before getting started. Clara sat in the middle, her fingers on the key with the other two, beside her on the short leather piano bench. She began with the center keys, her hands dancing on the instrument like how we did at Prom. Before the fall. Alex began the first line, follow by Kalani harmonizing with him. Then Clara. Her voice graceful, expressing the mood of this gloomy day.

The slideshow in the back, perfectly portrayed every single song lyrics that was implied in this scenario. It even included a picture of me with Kevin on the first week we met, me cheering at half time, photos my mom has taken before Prom, flowers, cards, and stuff animals by Kevin's locker at school. The one they hit me the most, was Kevin's last Birthday.

They ended the song in a nice romantic tone. After clearing the stage, it was time to make speeches. Kevin's aunts/uncles went first, followed by his youngest brother, some of his friends, his parents, then me.

My dad gave me a pat on the back as I slowly raised up. I made my way to the front, slowly turning to face the audience. Whom all looked exhausted from lack of sleep. I unfold a short note that I had written for him.

"Kevin, is you are listening. This is for you." I began, my eyes scanning the next few lines, sighing. "We have only known each other for 5 months, but you already feel like a family to me.  I never felt happy when I moved here, until you showed up and made me try new things. You took something away from me that I will never regret, fly high." I ended this cliche love letter to a boy I didn't appreciate until Kalani granted me beauty. I looked away from the notes. Wanted to change things up and start raw. "What Porsha did to you wouldn't happen if I stood up for myself. This is what you begged me to do every time I come home from school, depress from the tragic hurtful things she had said and done to me." I glance over at the casket, then back to the crowd. My parents, a shocked expression plastered on their faces.

I felt my hands sweat with a rush of hot air on my face. "Now, with Porsha gone and sentenced. I will take your words and defend myself to anyone that dares to hurt me or my friends." My hands tighten in a fist. "This has taught me a very valuable lesson that I will bury deep into my mind. What am I so afraid for? There is nothing here that haunts us the most, then the things we do." I looked at Kalani and Abigail in the back. My friend with a warm smile, while her sister, smirking and silently clapping.

"And that for me, is not speaking up about my situation." I locked eyes with Kevin's parents. "I am deeply sorry." I shook my head, my voice squeaking and softening about to break out in tears. As I was preparing to leave the stage, a picture frame of Kevin tipped over, the coffin creaking open just a crack. The chandelier swinging back and forth.

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