The Waiting Room

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The room went silent. Mr. Myers turned off the music. Teens stopped dancing. Porsha pushed her way past me and strutted down the stairs.
"OH MY GOD!" Someone screamed, running up to the stage.
I ran down.
"Lights! Lights!" Mr. Myers shouted.
As the lights flashed on. I saw the worst. My nightmare that I never thought would occur. My love. My one and only love. Kevin, splatted on the stage floor, the bin tipped over by his head, fake blood spilled all over his body. His eyes and mouth, agape.

I lost control and bolted towards the boy. Mrs. Johnson pulled me away, kneeling next to him.
"Kevin." She shook him. "Kevin! Can you here me?" She asked, panic rising in her voice.
My tears began streaming down my cheeks, my head spinning, adrenaline pumping. I pushed past Mr. Myers to examine him. Still. Lifeless. This can't be.
Mrs. Johnson placed her fingers on Kevin's lips. She looked up, holding back tears. Shaking her head.
"Call an ambulance!" Mr. Myers shouted at one of the teachers. The rest came running towards the stage, trampling one another.
The gymnasium filled with questions.
"Get the students out." He ordered.

My legs wobbled as Kalani pulled me off the ground. Uncontrollable shaking. Lost in words.
"They want us to leave." She said.
I stood there motionless, unable to take my eyes off of Kevin.
"Blaire." She tugged my arm. Before being pulled away from the scene, I spotted Porsha.
Gucci bag in one hand, her other arm on her hip. Jade and Angela by her side.
"Poor you Blaire, this is tragic. How can such an incident happen like this?" She held back her laughter, preparing to leave through the back door.
Anger. I was enraged with this blonde psychotic bitch. I put my foot down and gave it to her.

"Porsha! You did this!" I shouted.
The adults and teens were shocked. They never seen me this loud.
She turned and gave a loud sigh. "Why would I do such terrible things?" She replied sarcastically.
Before the Thotties stepped foot outside the door, I did the unbelievable.
"No!" I screamed causing the entire gymnasium to shake, lights hanging above the ceiling broke off, swinging at the students. The two massive doors shut with a loud thud. Sirens were heard in the distance. Everyone looked at me in fear and confusion. I ran.

~9:58 pm~

Sitting here. The scent of medicine, mysterious beeping, coughing, caffeine, occasional announcements on the loud speaker. Unsettling, cold air. My parents held me tight. Kalani and Clara, attempting to calm me down. I was still shaking. Unable to breathe. Mascara irritating my eyes, I ignored it. The most painless thing I felt after experiencing that scene.
"Is he...going to be ok?" I asked my mom.
She took my hand and squeezed it. "There's a chance." She said softly.

She kneaded my palms.
Seconds later, a nurse walked out dressed in all blue holding a clipboard. My dad walked up to her. They were in a deep conversation. I kept my head down, peering up once in a while. After they wrapped up, she came right into my face. My dad behind her.
"Darling." She spoke gently. "We tried everything, we know how it feels, but it was too late when he came to us." She wiped away my tears with her thumb.
The nurse looked up to my mom.
"I'll give you a moment." She walked back to the hallway.
"Blaire, we will work with you to get through this. As well as Kevin's parents." My dad told me.

I placed my both my hands over my face and sobbed. My family and friends giving me pep talks.
Why did this had to happen? Why can't Porsha just leave him alone? Why didn't I fucking tell someone like Kevin said? Why can I stand up for myself for once.
"It's all my fault." I said, curled up into my lap. I ran to find the nearest bathroom and threw myself on the dirty unclean floor.

I heard footsteps follow me in. It was Kalani.
"Is there a spell to bring him to life?" I asked her sobbing.
"There is, but it's a long process. It's not something easy to do in an instant." She informed.
"Just do it Kalani, please." I grabbed on to her. "I beg you. Do it for me." She gave me a long hug.
"I can't. " she whispered.

I pulled away just before Clara walked in.
"It's all my fault." I got up to wash my face in the sink. Letting the icy water run.
"It's not your fault, Blaire." Said Clara.
The faucet automatically turned off.
"Yes it is. I felt the urge to shout for Mrs. Johnson but I didn't. I thought I could handle her on my own. And look what happened." I stared at my reflection. Makeup running, red eyes, foundation peeling off.
"Do you hold responsibility for the actions that Porsha did?" Clara asked.
"No. I..."
"Then it isn't your fault." She came around and hugged me.

That's how my Prom went.

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