Watch and Learn. Its My Turn

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~Friday morning~

We all sat quietly on the bleachers. No one said a single word after changing out. I looked up to the gloomy sky. Feeling a cold wet rain drop fall on my forehead. The weather perfectly portrayed our mood. Even mine. Kalani sat on my right, admiring her newly painted nails. Mrs. Johnson came out to the fields, followed by Molly. Both wearing a frown on their faces.

"There's been a sudden change of plans." She began, then paused. "I talked to Porsha's parents last night. According to her injury, she will be out of the Cheer Team for the remainder of the school year."
I heard gasp and whispering from the girls behind me. This led to many questions.

"We're not going to cancel our performance, our we?"

"Is she going to come back to school?

"What happened to her yesterday?"

Mrs. Johnson dismissed all of our lingering questions by holding out a hand to silent us.
"Molly and I thought about it this morning. We will continue our performance tonight."

Sighs of relief came from the girls who were dying to perform at half time.

"What about Porsha?" Jade asked.

"She has to be replaced." Mrs. Johnson locked her eyes with mine. "Blaire, would you like to take over?"
My eyes widen, mouth agape, I looked around in paranoia.

"Me?" I asked pointing to myself.

The cheer coach nodded.

"I can't. I don't know the lyrics. I can't learn her part of the routine in less than a day." I complained.

"Of course you can darling, it's similar to what we have been practicing. The only difference is that you're in the middle singing." She said with a grin.

My only choice was to say yes. This could be my only chance to show the whole school who I really am. They see me as a defenseless orphan swallowed by the blood thirsty enemies around me. Bye bye Porsha.
"I will do it." I told Mrs. Johnson.

"Wonderful! Girls get out on the field." She ordered.

I spent hours of class time rehearsing the song. Follow by doing the correct flips. Being the center flyer was the least of my worry. Forgetting the lyrics was my main fear. The last time I took vocal lessons was 4 years ago in middle school. My mom's desire was to make me improve my self confidence. That didn't end well regarding my new journey in Wineyerd High. The only perk of today, was being able to miss all my classes. But this also led to my second fear. Porsha. How will she react knowing that I took over her position?  Hopefully she won't be returning back to school for another 2 weeks.

~Half time performance~

I stood in front of my bedroom mirror. Pompoms in hand, my hair neatly tied in a ponytail with a green bow, my white sneakers, and a bit of lip gloss.

"You're going to do great." Said my mom standing behind me.

"Thank you, but I'm nervous. I don't want to ruin this for the whole team." I told her.

"It's only a 2 minute cheer performance. Have fun. Don't take any of this seriously."

"Tell that you my cheer coach." I replied laughing.
We packed ourselves in the car and drove to school.
I got out feeling a cold night air brush my face.

"I'll see you after the show." Said my mom pulling me in a hug.

I found my team chatting in the gymnasium, stretching and practicing some last minute moves.

"Are you ready?" Asked Kalani jumping up and down warming herself up.

"Yeah, but I'm super nervous." I said.

"Me too." She said while adjusting her braids.

"Everyone come here." I saw Mrs. Johnson wave at us at the front door.

We huddled up and did a little motivation speech to get us hyped.

I heard the football coach blow his whistle from the field. It was halftime. We lined up by the door leading out to the field, preparing to put on a show.
The sound of trumpets follow by electric keyboards roared out of the speakers. We ran through the door and was greeted by a loud applause. The crowd cheering, hollering, clapping, stomping their feet. Excitement broke through the cold nights. I sang the first verse, hyping them up even more.

"I'm the fox, you've been waiting for! Hello, daddy, Hello, mom."
I was hoisted up into the night sky, doing my highest kick, before being pulled down. I strutted to the center with Sasha and Emma by my side singing the next verse. I'm not even half way done with the performance, yet I feel strong willed and powerful. This moment has been waiting for me. It's like driving a car, but being stuck behind a vehicle that's larger, more expensive, more recognizable than mine. But once it's out of the way, you are speeding through the rode like you own the place. Don't jinxed it just yet Blaire. Now for my hardest move. I threw my Pompoms in the air, while doing a backhand spring follow by a back tuck then catching it again.

The audience jumped up cheering for me and the others. Phone with bright flashing lights in their hands. I was lifted once again, throwing both my arms up in the air shouting
"Cherry Bomb!"

I spotted my parents on the top bleachers surrounded by high schoolers. My mom with her phone in hand filming everything that occurred on the field. Then, my heart almost stopped. Adrenaline pumping through my body.  I thought I would black out. Sitting behind the thin metal poles, weak, fragile, wild hair was Porsha. Her right leg wrapped in a white cast going up her knee, laid out straight on a wheelchair.

I lost track of the song as I descended down, my foot slipping off Molly's hand by an inch.

"Sorry." She apologized.

I had to go on. There was nothing she could do about it.

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