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   You were listening as best as you could as you paced back and forth your mind running a million miles an hour. Not only had Sophia been lost, Daryl and T hadn't been seen since the herd came through. Even though it was only about thirty minutes ago you still couldn't take not knowing if they were okay. "I'm going to look for them while you look for Sophia." You say mostly to Rick. "(Y/n) no-" Shane starts and you glare up at him cutting him off. "Shane I swear to god I'll beat your ass if you try and stop me again." You say holding your ground taking a step towards him, "And this time I won't stop." You growl out dangerously making him hold his hands up taking a step back looking to Rick for help. "Sis. No. I need you here protecting-" Rick starts but stops mid sentence to look past you.

You spin around just as quickly your rifle up thinking it was a walker. You gasp at the sight of Daryl and T stumbling towards the RV fresh blood everywhere. You sling your gun over your shoulder running towards them, "What happened!? Are you guys okay?" You ask quickly as Daryl sets T down on the steps of the RV and Rick starts looking T over. "M'fine darlin' it's not my blood." He says to you panting slightly as you look him over just to be sure and a wave of relief washes over you.

"Shit. (Y/n)..." Rick says from beside you making you look down and the relief was short lived when you saw T-dogs arm. It was practically sliced all the way up his forearm. You knelt down taking in the injury, "Fuck..." you accidentally say out loud earning a groan from T as his head rolls to the side of the door way exhausted from blood loss. "Okay. Theo stay awake and keep calm your fine. Uhhh I need alcohol, bandages, tape, a needle and thread or floss will do." You instruct quickly  looking up at Rick and Shane who just stare at you. "Now!" You yell snapping them back into reality as you slide a crate directly in front of T on the steps and sit down in front of him.

You didn't have a lot of actual medical experience but when your in the sticks of Afghanistan you learn to patch yourselves up or you die. "Keep your arm up T. I'm gonna patch you up." You say and he nods weakly at you. "Your the best..." he says weakly and you smile at him tying to keep him calm as possible so his pulse didn't spike making him bleed even more.

Finally Rick and Shane come back with the stuff you asked for. "We didn't have anymore rubbing alcohol just vodka Dale had stashed away. We also only have floss and electrical tape." Shane says as he hands you the stuff and you groan internally. "Okay." You say taking the stuff from your two brothers and setting it out neatly. "Theo. Chug some." You say handing the bottle to him earning a confused look from him. "This is gonna hurt like a mother trust me drink it." You state as he takes the bottle and you go through the few options of bandages you had trying to pick the one that would work best.

After he had downed some of it with a disgusted face he handed it to you and you take it from him. You sat there for a second letting the alcohol dull T-dogs nerves as best as it could. "Guys go look for Sophia." You say looking up at Shane and Rick. "What?" Daryl asks making your gaze slowly move over to his now shocked confused one. You shake your head a little in sadness and he knew by your eyes it wasn't good, "Go with them. Your the best tracker here." You say and he looks up at your brothers nodding.

"Alright." He says before leaning down quickly kissing the top of your head before walking to his bike to grab something out of his bike bag. It looked like a flashlight and maybe a knife. You watched him walk over to where Rick and Shane now stood at the guard rails talking with Glenn about the plan. "You guys be carful." You say to the four men making them look over at you. "We will. Hold down the fort for us." Rick says trying to sound reassuring but you saw right through it.

Your brother was just as worried as you were. Rick paired up with Daryl and Shane with Glenn. You watched as they jumped the guard rails and headed back into the woods in search of a no doubt very terrified Sophia. Taking a deep breath you turn back to T and hold his arm down a little, "Sorry." You say quickly dumping some of the stout liquid over the wound enough to flush it out.

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