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I groaned as my alarm went off. I hated my job down at the office and so every morning was full of frustration and exhaustion. I slammed my hand down on the alarms button and rested my head face down on the pillow, preparing myself to get up, before deciding 5 more minutes of sleep wouldn't hurt...

I slowly opened my eyes, and yawned. I was calm for afew moments before my heart sunk and i realised i was late to work. I checked the time on my clock:


I had to be at work in 19 minutes.

I jumped out of bed and rushed through my morning routine before running out my apartment and into the traffic filled brooklyn streets. I checked my watch and saw i had 3 minutes to get to work.

Usually i walked slowly, dragging out the journey, and so i figured i could probably make it if i ran.

I took off sprinting down the pavement and turned the corner swiftly before grinding to a halt.

Police tape was cutting off the street and officers scattered among the scene. My office was just around the tape and so I figured I could probably duck under the tape and run through the scene, just about making my shift.
It was risky but my new boss was horrible and I couldn't afford to make work any worse than it already was.

An officer in a NYPD vest stepped in front of me, behind the tape. Over the NYPD vest was a leather jacket and she had dark wavy hair. She looked mean but I immediate thought how cool it would to be friends with someone like her.

"Excuse me miss, pedestrians need to walk around the block instead of passing through the scene, there is currently a criminal in this area." she told me folding her arms.

"I mean my work is on the other side and I'm already late so could I maybe just go through quickly?" I asked, though I already knew the answer.

"No ma'am sorry."

I nodded and turned away, walking slowly away until the officer walked away. Although it sounded silly I couldn't bear to be any later and if I could just pass without anyone noticing, everything would be fine.

Keeping my head down and sticking by the building on the left side of the scene I swiftly ducked under the tape and walked/jogged through the kerfuffle of detectives and evidence collected ( or whatever they are called ). I stopped when I was halfway through and took a deep breath prepping myself for the next stretch of police ridden street when I felt an arm wrap tightly around my neck and a metal barrel pushed against my temple.

I let out a shriek alerting all the officers as they turned and saw me held at gunpoint.

The man gripping me tightly around my neck shouted out " let me escape and she lives, come any closer...she dies"

Fear and panic swept through my bones as all the detectives and police stepped back from the scene dropping their guns as a detective stepped forward with his hands in the air, carefully coming towards us.

I shut my eyes trying to suppress the terror as I heard him speak in a calming and comforting voice, "look Rodriguez, don't make a mistake here. We will let you exit if you let her go but remember you can't run forever."

The metal against my temple was taken away and I breathed a sigh of relief though still tense from being in a headlock. The criminals grip slowly loosened until he pushed me to the floor and bolted away. Immediately the swat team pursued him round the corner until they were out of sight.

I lay frozen on the floor, shaking violently, my breathing sharp and short. I dug my nails into the concrete trying to anchor my thoughts and control my body which was responding to this trauma horribly.

I flinched as I felt a hand on my shoulder and a mans weight came beside me. His hand went in soothing circles on my upper back until my breathing adjusted itself.

"ready to sit up ?" That same comforting voice spoke quietly.

I nodded my head slowly and began to lift myself into a sitting position still shaking. I flung my arms around the mans neck and fell into his arms sobbing, releasing all my emotions onto this stranger.
He hugged me back cautiously, obviously unsure of what to do.

After many minutes of this I leaned off him and saw his face for the first time.
He had the cutest brown hair with a slight curl to it, chocolatey eyes and a cute smile. His nose was defined making him seemingly more handsome.

My cheeks heated up and I wiped my eyes on my sleeve, embarrassed this man saw me breaking down... I was not a pretty cryer.

"Are you ok? No never mind that's a stupid question, sorry I um I'm not great with crying.. um cute  girls" he said  warmly

My cheeks became even redder and i managed to let out a small laugh, "thank you I'm really sorry, I.."

"No, don't apologise, you  were just technically a hostage you have a right to react like that"
He smiled at me

I suddenly became aware I was sitting on a pavement with a cute man surrounded by concerned uniformed officers and I let out a laugh at the craziness of this happening to me.

"U seem to be feeling better" he grinned at me and I smiled back,


"So what's your name?" He asked fairly nervously .

"Y/n, you ?"

"Jake... cute name" he winked at me and I laughed at his childishness.

The leather jacket woman stood over us.
"I don't want to ruin whatever moment you guys are having but Peralta the Captain wants to speak to you" she addressed the man.

"Um ok one sec... can I borrow a pen Rosa?"
She produced one from her pocket and dropped it onto him"

He rolled up my sleeve carefully and gently wrote a phone number on my arm.
"Call me." He whispered before helping me up with him and walking away...

Sooo that's my first chapter. I know it's kinda long but hopefully the others will be more to the point. This is my first fanfic so please be nice :)
I'll try update soon

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