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I woke up feeling strange and realised it was 2am. Weird. Something didn't feel right.

I suddenly realised I felt like I had wet myself. Ughhh that is so embarrassing, Jake would definitely laugh at me. But that had never happened before so there had to be an explanation.

Before I could wonder anymore the explanation seemed to slap me right in the face, I was being so stupid, MY WATER HAD BROKE

"JAKE JAKE JAKE" I tried to wake him up gently but couldn't quite refrain from panicking.

"Wassuppp" He said sleepily


He suddenly bolted up out of bed, and ran towards the wardrobe. He pulled out my comfy clothes I wanted to wear when I went into labour and carefully helped me up and into them.
"Have you had your first contraction yet" he asked and I shook my head.

After I was fully dressed, he pulled on a pair of joggers and grabbed the emergency bag, slinging it around his shoulder.
He then made sure my weight was supported and carefully helped me out of our apartment, locking the door quickly. I hadn't even noticed him call a taxi yet there it was already.

He gently helped me inside before climbing in next to me and yelling directions at the driver.

We sped off and Jake watched me contently.
My first contraction hit me "AAAAARRRRGH"

Jake grabbed my hand and I gripped it tightly, fighting through the pain.

I looked out the window and saw we were in traffic. At 2am. Typical New York.

"GO FASTER" I yelled at the driver though there was clearly nothing he could do.

"Y/n it's ok, you've got hours before birth" he tried to reassure me but i just broke down crying.

He took both my hands in his and held them firmly "hey, y/n can I do anything to help?" He said worriedly

"Jake I don't think i can do this" I said quietly
"I'm not strong enough it's too much."

"Y/n stop that. You are the strongest person I know you can do this I promise and I'll be right here the whole time"

Suddenly another contraction came, worse than the last. I practically screamed my way through it before taking a deep breath.

Jake was right, I could do this

Third person POV

The taxi pulled up to the hospital and Jake helped y/n out. He signaled to a nurse in his eyeline and she quickly brought a wheelchair, which y/n collapsed into.

She was quickly wheeled into an empty room

A different nurse entered swiftly, "ill be checking up on how dilated you are frequently, y/n" she smiled and left them in peace.

Y/n had calmed down to the point where you would only be able to tell she was in labour from her screaming contractions.

"What can I get you?" Jake asked

"Anything, just an distraction please" y/n gratefully looked at him.

Jake ran out the room and down to the gift shop, returning afew minutes later with, pens, paper, ice cold water.

He later the pens and paper out in front of y/n
"Maybe it would help to scribble?" He said cluelessly but y/n decided it could help

When her next contraction hit, she took all of her anger out on the paper with a bright red marker, and she smiled at Jake after.
"Thanks babe"
He sighed with relief, "no problemo, y/n/n"

Afew hours later


The nurse left the room for the eleventh time, informing me I was 7cms dilated and still had some time to go. Jake stayed by my side the whole time, telling me jokes, singing me stupid songs, and encouraging me to help me through
the pain

I was so happy he was with me, he made everything so much better.

Even more hours later

Jakes POV

"10cm, now love, we are going to transfer you to a birthing room"

She wheeled y/n into another room which was almost identical.

"Jake" she reached out for me and I ran over, standing by her side as she lay her head back against the pillows, gritting her teeth.

I wished I could take some pain from her, but I knew she would be able to bring our daughter into the world by herself.


I screamed in agony as the doctor shouted at me to keep pushing. Couldn't she see I was doing my bloody best?
"I CAN SEE THE HEAD" she shouted as my screams grew even louder

"BABE YOU GOT THIS, ONLY A BIT LONGER CMON BIG PUSH" Jake shouted at me excitedly.

I felt the most pain I had ever felt, but I kept holding onto the thought of our daughter.

With a huge final push, she was out and I collapsed in agony as my baby was rushed to the side for some quick mandatory tests.

I looked over worriedly but Jake gently stroked my arm, turning my face to his.
"Babe...you did it" he said softly, grinning at me

A big beam broke out on my face as stated back at him, "I did"

Our daughter was rushed back over to us and into my arms, me and Jake saw her for the first time.
She was the cutest baby i had ever seen, a small pink mouth and big blue eyes with long eyelashes. Her hair was short and tufty.

I looked up to Jake to see him crying

"She's beautiful" He whispered and I nodded at him.

I carefully gave her to Jake and he cradled her gently, looking at her with so much love.
I felt so amazing, I couldn't believe she was ours.

After a while of Jake holding her she started crying. We looked at the nurse worriedly but she just smiled at us. "She needs feeding now let me help"

She carefully adjusted my beautiful girl on my chest and she started feeding. Jake grinned, I had never seen him this happy before.

He climbed in beside me and we look turns in sleeping and looking after her.

An hour later, we called in our family and friends. They all quietly entered, immediately gushing at the sight.

I nodded at Jake to speak and he turned to everyone
"Everyone meet......

Again sorry for the cliffhanger but I just gotta keep u on ur toes 😂

This was rlly hard to write so I hope it's enjoyable but ya ty for reading I'll update soon :)

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