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At this point in time y/n's injuries are almost completely healed, and she is pretty much back to normal :)


I watched Jake rub his temples in frustration, feeling bad. The Halloween heist was tomorrow, and he had been so focused on looking after me and Callie he had barely planned everything.

"Jake why don't we go to bed I mean it's 1am" I sighed. I was exhausted but I knew if I didn't make sure Jake got to sleep he would stay up all night.
"Just a bit longer" he murmured

I went into the kitchen and grabbed 2 cartons of chocolate milk. We had bought them for Callie big I had caught Jake drinking them numerous times.

I made my way back to him and sat down next to him, handing him the drink.

"Thanks y/n/n"
"No problem. Jake I really think you should go to sleep, I mean the others would probably understand that you haven't been able to plan, seeing as you have a literal kid now"
"I know" he groaned, before getting up in defeat.

I pulled him along to the bedroom, as he dragged his feet.

I carefully climbed into bed, making sure I was still being cautious of my injuries, before Jake slid in next to me.

"Turn around" I yawned at him
"Ooo do I get to be little spoon?" He sounded way to excited and I smirked, "yep"

I put my arms around him, breathing in the fabric of the back of his T-shirt.

He put his hands over mine, resting on the front of his chest and eventually we both fell asleep.

"Y/n wake up!" Jake whisper shouted, and I opened my eyes, tiredly.
"What time is it?" I yawned
"Either 3am or 4am"
I groaned, "why did you wake me up Jake?"
"Oh right. I had an idea. Could I maybe use you and Callie for the heist.........?"
"It depends"
"I just want you to move her around to random locations to confuse people. So they think we have like a teleporting baby, and I'll pretended you're at home because your still healing, so they will think I'M moving her, causing a distraction. They will basically think I'm in one place when I'm in another, winning "

I tried to take in all the information, my brain still fuzzy from just waking up.
"What's in it for me?"
"Joint victory?"
"Really or are you going to trick me last minute making you the winner?"
"whaaaaaattttttttt nooooo of course not! I would never do dat to ma wifey"
"Jake, that was the most suspicious you've ever sounded"

He sighed, "okay, that was part of my plan BUT I will change it so we will both win."
"Promise" Jake put his arm around me, and I relaxed into his chest.
We were both submerged in the darkness when I whispered, "if you double cross me I will get you back and it won't be fun"
"I'm too scared to double cross you now" he whispered back and I smiled, letting myself go to sleep.

I woke up with Jake at 5am. We grabbed a bunch of snacks plus a load of Callie's toys, and shoved them into a bag. Jake silently retrieved Callie, as she still slept and we made our way into the car, driving to the precinct.
Jake parked around the back and we quietly went inside. Callie had woken up in the car, but she was being kept amused by her toys.

Jake carefully led us to the evidence room, and we set up camp behind the shelves. The heist started in 90 minutes so I just had to wait until then to start moving Callie around. I knew she would see it as a game so probably wouldn't blow our cover. She couldn't really though, even if she tried, as she could barely speak.

"Cya at midnight" Jake quickly kissed me on the lips and hifived Callie before going out to his desk.

Half an hour he sent me a text : 'holt just arrived, keep on the downlow x'

I was surprised at how much I wanted to win.
My phone buzzed with another text from Jake 'We got this x'

'Yes we do x' I texted back, waiting for my cue...

Thanks for reading, stay tuned 💞

Jake Peralta ❣︎ Where stories live. Discover now