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Another time skip, at this point they have been seeing each other for afew months

Third person POV

For once, I was enjoying listening to Holt's briefing.
"There is a situation with an armed gang, we don't know how many members as of yet and there is a possible chance there could be hostages but we don't know. Peralta, Diaz, Santiago and Jeffords I want you on this please go to the scene as soon as possible. Dismissed"

Jake quickly grabbed his phone from his desk along with some gear, as did the other three. They all rushed into a cop car and started speeding towards the scene.

Jake looked at his watch: "shit."

He was supposed to be home in half an hour but this situation was bound to take longer, he had no time to called y/n. He felt really guilty but knew she could always contact the precinct if she became super worried.

They all exited the vehicle and headed towards the packed scene....


I started pacing with anxiety, Jake was now over two hours late and I had heard nothing about it.

I knew he wasn't cheating or just ditching me, Jake wasn't like that, so I knew there must've been an emergency. I quickly thought to turn on the news and a female reporter with an awful wig was reporting :

"The current situation is getting worse, it is reported there are hostages in the building yet the criminals are, quote, 'not up for negotiations' unquote. We aren't sure how long this is going to go on but it won't be a short amount of time-"

I quickly turned off the tv panicking trying to calm myself
Jake was a great cop but these were also great criminals and Jake would definitely be in danger.

I realised that I loved him.

Not in the casual way we would throw the phrase around but I actually loved him. What if I never saw him again.

He definitely couldn't contact me but maybe I could contact him. I picked up my phone and called him, it inevitably went to voicemail.

I left a message, crying slightly but trying to hide it from my voice : "hi Jake, I know you won't hear this right away but I just want to make sure that no matter what happens you know I love you. Like I really love you, more than I've ever loved anyone or anything. I'm sure you'll be ok but i just needed to tell you.

I then proceeded to call up Gina who was still working late at the precinct due to the current situation. I told her how scared I was to which she said
"Boo boo, calm down, try to go to sleep and I'm sure when you wake up it will all be fine."

I took her advice and climbed under the covers, the stress had exhausted me so much I swiftly drifted off to sleep.

Will Jake be ok?

Ty for readinggg pls vote if u enjoyed and sorry for the late update I'm trying to be more regular I'm just working out a schedule:)

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