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mama mia, here we go again....


I woke up feeling extremely nauseous. I squinted my eyes at the digital clock beside me, expecting it to be 6:00 but to my surprise it was 4:00. I never woke up this early.

I glanced at Jake, sleeping peacefully and looking handsome as always. I lay back down and tried go back to sleep, but the sick feeling wouldn't go away. Eventually I fell into an uncomfortable dozey trance before waking up yet again at 4;45

This time the sick feeling was overwhelming and I knew I was going to throw up.

I slipped out of bed as quickly as possible but still being quiet, not to wake Jake, and I ran on my tiptoes, into the bathroom.

I closed the door behind me as quietly as I could before collapsing and retching up all my previous meals. I leaned over the toilet feeling shaky, completely oblivious to the bathroom door opening and Jake coming in.

I startled slightly as I felt him tuck my hair behind my ears from behind, and hold it back as I still leant over the toilet.

He rubbed my back gently before quietly telling me I was ok.

It suddenly hit me I had woken Jake up and he had seen me like this, and more importantly I had just thrown up.

Tears started running down my face as the shock of it all washed over me.

Jake noticed my tears and sat, down behind me  on the bathroom floor before pulling me into his chest gently and holding me close while I had a good cry.

"Hey, your ok y/n." He said softly
I took a deep breath and thanked him. 

He slowly got up and used his strong arms to pull me up with him before holding my hand and walking me back to our bed.

We huddled together and Jake spoke quietly,

"...do you know why you..."
I tiredly shook my head and he stroked my face as I drifted into sleep.

Jakes POV

I quietly got ready for work, and wrote y/n a note saying she needed to stay in bed for today. I knew she wouldn't be happy with it but I hated seeing her sick and wanted to make sure she recovered asap.

I solved 3 cases during the day, I was on a roll, yet I couldn't stop worrying about y/n.

It seemed silly but I just hated the thought of her throwing up again but having no one to help her after.

On my lunch break, I went into the evidence lockup and leaned my forehead against one of the cool metal posts.

I heard footsteps behind me and turned to see Amy and Rosa looking concerned.

"Peralta are you ok..?" Amy asked
"It's just you've been kinda distant today. Is everything ok with y/n?"

I responded, "yeah it is, but she was really sick this morning and I'm just worried about her. But I guess it's nothing, don't worry" before giving them a grateful smile and heading  back to my desk

Third person POV

Amy and Rosa still in the evidence room,

"Do you really think?" Amy asked Rosa

"Cmon Ames, it sounded exactly like morning sickness, she's probably pregnant."

"I guess we should see if it becomes regular before we jump to any conclusions though..." Amy reasoned

"Okay but if this goes for 2 more days we are going to make her take a test"


Jakes walks into the precinct

"Hey Jake hows y/n?" Amy asked

"Ugh still sick and almost exactly like yesterday" Jake said downheartedly

Rosa and Amy shot each other a look before reminding themselves they should wait at least 1 more day before deciding y/n was almost definitely pregnant.


Jakes arrives at the precinct once again

"Hey Perlata, y/n feeling better yet?" Rosa asked, waiting for the answer that would confirm it.......

oooooo suspense.... is y/n preggo???

update soon ;)

Anywaysss please vote if u enjoyed and ty for reading

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