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I woke up peacefully in Jakes embrace. I heard him snoring quietly so made sure not to move, in case I woke him.
Callie has improved her sleeping times so much, and now on weekends we could manage a small lie-In before she woke up.

I relaxed back into Jakes arms, savouring these peaceful moments.
I felt his arms move and realised he had woken up, as he pulled me even closer to him.
I melted into him even more

"good morning" he said huskily.

"Morning babe" I whispered back and we lay together waiting for Callie to wake up. I loved Callie but she could be a handful as she had a lot of sass. I was sure she got that from Jake.

Soon enough we heard Callie babbling and we grinned at each other. We both loved her so much and it was amazing we were raising her.

Jake pulled himself out of bed and I took his hand as he pulled me up. We walked together to Callie room. She was stood up in her crib, holding onto the side and a huge smile appeared on her face when she saw us. I felt my heart swell with love.

"Hey sweetie" I lifted her out and gave her a squeeze before passing her to Jake where he kissed her nose, as she giggled.

I changed her and Jake prepared her bottle, she had only recently started using.

After being fed, and burped she started reaching towards her toys on the floor.

Me and Jake say down with her on the floor and I leaned against Jake, his arm around me.

Callie proceeded to show us all her toys and we reacted enthusiastically which excited her.

She suddenly picked up a plastic duck and waved it above her happily, before it slipped from her fingers and landed on her head.

The duck was light, so she wouldn't be hurt but the shock of it made her start bawling.

Before I even had time to react, she was swept into Jakes arms and he was shushing her gently. He was so amazing, I couldn't believe I had him.

Eventually Callie's tears fully stopped and she just started up at Jake and me slightly confused, almost trying to remember why she cried.

I stuck my tongue out at her and she seemed to imitate my face, her tongue falling out of her mouth. Me and Jake gushed at her with praise, laughing at her cuteness.


Jakes POV

It was later in the day, and y/n was reading Callie a bedtime story while I acted it out.
She seemed to become overexcited which was cute in the short term but we knew if she didn't sleep soon we would be up all night.

We had read online one night that music could help so I went on YouTube and searched a 'calming' track.

I started laughing when Callie started dancing to it like it was a disco track, and y/n was giggling very hard.

"I know this sounds stupid Jakey but maybe an upbeat song would have the opposite effect...?" She grinned at me and I beamed back.

"We might aswel try it" I laughed and started playing 'top disco hits'.
To my absolute shock Callie abruptly stopped bopping and yawned.
I raised my eyebrows, trying not to laugh as, y/n tucked her in and kissed her on the cheek as Callie settled down.

I leaned down and pecked her on the forehead as she slowly closed her eyes sleepily.

I put my arm around y/n, smirking at her as we realised our daughter was a complete weirdo. It just made us love her more, if that was even possible.

When Callie was sound asleep I turned off he music and me and y/n changed before jumping into bed. We lay staring at each other happily, both so full of joy. I loved her so much.


Me and Jake lay opposite each other, staring at each other with happiness.

I leaned forward and kissed him softly before pulling away. He instinctively pulled me closer to him under the covers and kissed me again, more passionately than before....

Hope u guys enjoyed, I'm feeling quite motivated again which is great.

Ty for reading <3

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