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I yawned, turning to face Jake. He was waking up himself, but smiled at me, putting his arm around my shoulders and pulling me closer to him.

I rested my head on his chest, slightly feeling his steady heartbeat.
We lay quietly, but didn't need to talk. It was nice just having some time to relax.
Callie was sleeping over at a friend she'd made at nursery for 2 nights, leaving me and Jake to a calm and quiet apartment.

"Y/n/n" he said softly, not as a question just a statement and I lifted my head slightly, smiling at him.
He immediately grinned, as I rested my head back down.

After around 15 minutes, I lifted my head again, starting to get out of bed.
I swung my legs over the side, feeling Jake gently grab my arm.
"Noooo, don't go" he said dramatically and I turned, smiling at him.
"Im hungry" I laughed softly.
I leaned down to his face, kissing him sweetly, before pulling away, lingering slightly.

I walked through to the kitchen, grabbing the bowl of pancake batter, we had made yesterday morning, and turning on the stove.

I poured the mix into the pan, watching patiently as it morphed into a fluffy pancake.

I felt Jakes arms around my waist, and he kissed the back of my neck softly.

"You want one?" I asked
"Yes please"

After the pancakes were done, we loaded them up with syrup, and headed over to the couch, sitting down and eating.
I turned on the tv, and on came a docuseries about skating.
"Imagine being able to skate" I told Jake and he nodded in agreement, "it looks so cool"

We put our plates to the side, cuddling closer to each other as we watched the tv.
"Why not?" Jake said
"Why not, what?"
"Why don't we learn how to skate?"
"Yeah, it would be fun!"
I grinned, thinking how it would be fun.
"Okay, great! But we don't have a board?"

"There's a few places around that sell them, we might aswel"

So we did.
There was a store surprisingly near, and we bought a cheaper one, the guy recommended for beginners.

We set it on the street outside our apartment, both standing cluelessly.

"So do we like just stand on it?" Jake asked and I laughed
He took my hands for support, stepping onto the board and getting his balance.
"No Jake, you're standing still on a piece of wood" I giggled and he rolled his eyes.
"Watch this" he started moving forward, and for afew seconds I was extremely impressed until he went flying off the board and onto the pavement.

"Jake!" I quickly ran to his side as he got up carefully
"IM FINE!" He grinned and I breathed a sigh of relief before noticing his leg.
"You're also bleeding" I said anxiously
"No pain, no gain!" He continued grinning and I laughed.
"Don't worry, it's not a deep cut, I'll be fine"
I nodded unsurely, but dropped it.

"Okay my turn!" I said excitedly.

I held onto Jakes shoulders as I stepped onto the board, wobbling unsurely, before managing to get my balance.

"You got this" Jake said encouragingly and I put my other foot on the pavement, pushing off.

I managed around a second of balance before I hopped off the board, not wanting to fall like Jake.

Jake Peralta ❣︎ Where stories live. Discover now