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I figured I might aswel update when I'm motivated so u guys get another oneee


I woke up with a huge headache that made me feel sick. My brain felt like it was throbbing and the back of my throat was scratchy and dry.
I groaned inwardly, not wanting to wake jake, and got up to the bathroom.

I nearly screamed when I looked in the mirror. I looked like utter shit. I tried to wash some of the greenish colour off my face before giving up and climbing back into bed.
I checked my phone and realised I was also about to start my period which was just the cherry on top of the cake.

Jake stirred awake and I turned away from him.
"U ok?" He said in his gruff morning voice

"Jake don't look at me"

"What why"

"Jake I'm being serious I look like trash you don't want to make that mistake"

"You absolute dummy y/n/n" he turned me round to face him
I braved myself for the look of disgust but it never came. Instead he laughed fondly and kissed my forehead

"You are still somehow the most beautiful person ever" he said with a smile and I melted.

I pulled myself back out of bed, shivering in a weird temperature mix of hot and cold.
"Um...where do you think your going..." Jake asked like I was crazy

"Work, duh"

"Nope nope nope I will call in sick for you, now get back into bed missy"

I smirked at him, "ugh why do you do this to me?"


I groaned as the sickness came flooding back to me like a smack in the face. I collapsed onto the bed facedown and Jake put the duvet over me before quietly walking out of the room. He didn't have work today, as holt gave him a much needed break after all the cases he had worked on in the past few days. It was nice to know Jake would be with me and it made me feel a fraction better.

I drifted into a deep and thick sleep and woke up at the sound of the oven beeping. I yawned, still feeling awful and the smell of food wafted into my nostrils.

Jake came into the room balancing 2 plates. I sat up leaning on the bed frame as he passed me a plate before chambering in beside me.

"I made burritos!"

"Thank you Jakey u really didn't need to"

"Oh but I did for my Queen"

I giggled as he brought out his laptop and rested it on the edge of the bed

"What film?" He asked

"Ummm I don't know you choose"

"Big mistake you surely know what I would choose"

"Oh yeah" I laughed "why don't we just watch the office"


So we settled back with our food and watched.
After he cleared our plates away and came back with two packets.
"What is thattttt?"

He brought it closer so I could see "facemasks, and expensive ones I wanna pamper you!"

I grinned as he placed the sheet mask over my face and patted it onto my skin

"You know your the best boyfriend ever right"

"Uh doy of course I know that" Jake said rolling his eyes and smirking

While we did facemasks I painted my nails and Jake painted my toenails as I couldn't stretch myself to do them without aching with this bug.

We painted them a metallic y/e/c as Jake said the colour made my eyes shine.

By the end of the day I felt so much better and we fell asleep entwined in each other's arms.

I know this doesn't really go anywhere but it's a light and breezy chapter I guess. Vote if u enjoyed pleasee and I will cya in the next update

Jake Peralta ❣︎ Where stories live. Discover now