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I'm not gonna write a gender reveal party cause I've read so many so ima try be a bit original 😅


I lay in bed, staring at the ceiling. Jake's arm was draped over me, and I heard quiet snores coming from his direction. I smirked, listening and thinking about our baby.

I felt bad for putting Jake under so much stress but he was such an angel. He didn't complain once even when I was being slightly unreasonable, instead he just focused on helping me feel better.

I had heard Jake making up little songs before, but he never did too much in front of me. For some reason he kept singing about a flying space dog, but that was only from the snippets I heard.

I watched a video before he came home from work the previous night, about parents singing to babies while they are still in the womb.

It wasn't proven to help them recognise voices but I wanted Jake to try it. I doubted he would though.

I felt him yawn beside me and pull himself up to look at me.

"Morning handsome" I said cheesily and he just laughed quietly.


"Oh no what do you want me to do?" He fakes concern, rolling his eyes at me

"Welll, I want you to sing to our babyyy" I said hopefully

"Nooo way y/n" he immediately said "I don't need our child to be embarrassed of me even before they're born"

I put on a fake pout "pweeeeese"

"Y/n you can't make me feel guilty like that!" He said trying to act slightly frustrated but I knew he was secretly giving in"

"But then our baby will know your voice. Cmon Jake."

He let out a big over exaggerated sign. "Fine" he muttered and I grinned.

He leaned his head on my chest, just above the bump and lay facing it.

He started humming a weird tune

"You are a B-A-B-Y, and i wanna eat a pie...and um, your mama forced me to make up this song, and I wanna give you a hi-five.....?"

He trailed off and I laughed super loud.
He took his head of my chest and brought it up to my face so our lips were almost touching

"how was that?" He whispered

"Perfect," I smiled back before leaning up to kiss him on the lips.


We made our way out of the Uber and into the hospital for another checkup, this time we would find out the gender. But we wanted the doctor to write it down to we could look at it later, together at home.

After another promising checkup. We went back to the apartment, the paper with the gender gripped tightly in Jakes hand. We picked up a cake on the way. Just a chocolate one (Jakes favourite) as we didn't know the gender just yet.

We made our way inside our apartment and placed the cake down on the counter

The paper with the gender was face down on the counter next to it and me and Jake stood excitedly, anticipating finding out.

Suddenly Jake started looking at the cake strangely.
"That's weird" he said

"What?" I asked worriedly

"It's probably nothing...come look at this.."

I made my way closer to the cake and tried to work out what Jake was looking at

"Um babe I don't see anything?"

"Look closer" he said and I brought myself face to face with the cake.

It was at that moment I realised I had fallen for Jakes silly prank as his hand gently pushed my face into the cake.

I pulled my face up and shouted, jokingly "JAKE PERALTA IM GONNA KILL YOU!"

I turned to see him gone from my line of vision but looked down and realise he was in hysterics on the floor.

He looked up at me, my face covered in cake and erupted into even more laughter.

I sneakily grabbed a handful of the cake and kept it behind my back, my hand gripping it even though it felt so sticky.

Jake pulled himself up from the floor and beamed at me childishly.

"I'm sorry y/n but the opportunity was too hard not to resist!" He snorted, still recovering from his hysterics.

"Aww it's okay Jakey, gimme a kiss." I said innocently, my mouth didn't have too much cake on it. He came towards me and as soon as his lips were about to touch mine, I shoved my handful of cake on his mouth.

We both stared at each other for a second, covered in cake before falling into a fits of giggling.

"Wait y/n! The gender!"

I grinned even bigger and we together we turned the paper.



Sorry for the cliffhanger but tbh idk what I want the baby to be yetttt

Side note: I watched popstar today and omds it's sooo good I highly recommend if you like thelonelyisland!!!

Anyways ty for reading, update soon!

Jake Peralta ❣︎ Where stories live. Discover now