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*This Fanfic is inspired by FNAF*


As a senior in high school, you need to find yourself a job. You quit your last job because the payment was low and you were treated unfairly. And soon you will have to pay rent for your apartment that you lived with your pet cat.

You were walking through the hallways, going to your locker. This is the last year of your school life. You had a main goal when you came into this school that was to....

𝐀𝐯𝐨𝐢𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑

The FOUR are the most popular guys in your high school. They always been popular since middle school. They're smart, talented and kind...just what every girl wants in a guy. They aren't rude like people think they are. Avoiding them is a main goal for you because you used to date one of them back in middle school. The guy was sweet and kind towards you, but things changed and feelings were lost. The two of you decided it was best to end it before things got worst. He still wanted you in his life, but you thought it wasn't a good idea and kept a distance.

"Here comes the FOUR!" a girl screams. Your eyes landed on them, who were walking with smiles on their faces. In a blink, you headed towards your locker and hid your face as they past by you. Once they were gone you pulled your head out and jumped when you saw one of the FOUR next to you. "Hi (Y/N)" he said with a smile. "hey Hoseok..." you said trying to find your way out of this conversation. "it's been long since we have talked" he said.

'Yeah three years and I would like to keep it longer'

"So how are you doing" Hoseok asked. You really didn't want to tell him anything about yourself since he is your ex's friend. "I'm doing fine" you said with a fake smile. "That's good to hear. I hope to see you around. Bye!" He said and left you alone.

' yeah...hope...'


After school, you immediately left the school building. You didn't want to bump into any of the FOUR. As you were walking to the bus stop, you saw a few girls from your school talking to each other.

"Did you heard about the cafe that's near XXX street?"

"I have! It's a very advance cafe. I heard they have three boys there. When I saw their pictures on the website, I immediately when the following day. I'm telling you, it's worth to go"

"How about we go tomorrow?"


The bus arrived and you and those girls got inside. You stayed in the back with your headphones in, listening to your music as you stare out the window. Tonight you plan on staying home, cuddle with your cat and watch movies since it's Friday.

'Since those girls said that there's a restaurant near my apartment, maybe I should work there? Let's hope they need people'

After awhile, your stop came. You walked out of the bus and headed towards your apartment. As you were walking, you saw a place with so many teenage girls.

'Is this the cafe they were talking about?' You started to get curious about the place and walked inside. Once you stepped foot inside, immediately a boy with black hair and bunny ears walked in front of you.

"Hello, Welcome to Expresso Time" he said.

"Can i speak with your manager?" You asked. The boy then walked away from you. You watch him heading towards the back. You looked around the place to see two other boys looking at you. A red hair guy with fox ears and a black curly hair guy with bear ears. You gulped because of their stares. You looked away from them and looked down at your feet.

"You asked to speak with me?" You looked up to see a man in front of you. "Y-yes...I was wondering if you an open spot. See I'm looking for a job and-"

"I don't need anymore information. You're hired. Please come with me to the back so we can do the paperwork" the man said.

"w-when can i start working?" You asked.


The Vicious Three |yandere maknae line x reader|  Pt1Where stories live. Discover now