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Three animatronics were in their room, discussing what happened today at the cafe. They were shock to hear what the youngest one had to say. "Are you sure it was her?" Taehyung asked.

"I'm positive. She saw me and gave me the thumbs up. I felt so sad...i wanted to see her upset and jealous yet I don't know why" Jungkook said. The two older ones sigh. "She said she was coming today" Jimin said.

The three of them waited in their rooms until the clock hits 12am. They will know that the manger left and that you have arrive. "It's 12. Let's go" Jungkook said. The three of them headed towards the office with smiles on each of the faces. They burst open the door to see you in the chair with tears in your eyes. Sadness went through their wires.

"d-did we scare you again? we're sorry" Jimin said looking down at his feet.

You wiped away your tears and looked at the three of them who had their heads down. You stood up for the chair and cupped Jimin's cheeks. His eyes looking into yours. "y-you didn't make me cry...no need to apologize...I-I was crying because of something else which isn't important" you said. All of the sudden you were pulled into a hug.

"what made you cry? i don't want to see our new friend sad. please tell us" Jimin said. You didn't say anything. You just let him hug you tightly. Meanwhile the two other boys were biting their lips in anger. They both feel jealous that their Hyung was getting all of the attention. You should pay more attention to them not him.

"It's really nothing, Jimin. Thank you for the hug. I really needed it" you said with a soft smile. The three boys felt so happy to see you smile. "(Y/N) you should smile often. You look so adorable" Taehyung said making you blush.

'So cute' the three boys thought. "I really don't think I am but if you want me to, I can try" you said. The three of them nodded happily. "Do you wanna play a game? We have chess and UNO" Jungkook said.

"Sure" you replied. Taehyung grabbed yours hand, dragging you to their room. You sat down on Jimin's bed and the three boys were looking for the games they could play with you. Playing with the three of them was boring before but now that they have you, everything will change.

It's been a few minutes since the four of you were playing UNO. Jungkook is so far winning and behind him happens to be Taehyung, while you and Jimin are tied. "UNO, UNO out! I win!" Jungkook said with his bunny smile. Taehyung pouted and Jimin just rolled his eyes.

"Since you won, what is it that you want?" Jimin asked. Jungkook started thinking. What did the bunny boy want? His eyes landed on your lips. They looked so soft. He never kissed anyone because he's been locked here for years. "I want (Y/N) to kiss me" Jungkook said proudly. The two boys looked at him angrily meanwhile you were shock at his request. They never thought Jungkook would ask for that.

'I really have to teach that kid lesson once (Y/N) is gone. He should have not asked for something like that' Jimin thought to himself as he stares at the bunny.

"A-Are you sure you want a kiss from me? Don't you want-"

"Nope! I want a kiss from the lovely (Y/N)" he smiles brightly.

'It's just a kiss. Nothing more. A quick kiss and it's done' you thought as you gulped nervously. You walked towards the boy as the two other boys were in the back with their hands clenched in anger. The warmth of your lips gave Jungkook a feeling that he could be human. He could feel something going through his wires, but that feeling ended when you pulled away.

He wanted to fancy you. He wanted to make you blush and nervous around him. He wanted you to get jealous when he's around other humans. He wanted your attention. That's all he thought about when he saw you...but he wasn't the only one who thought of that.

"Since Jungkook had his first kiss, shouldn't we have ours too?"

The Vicious Three |yandere maknae line x reader|  Pt1Where stories live. Discover now