t w e n t y - e i g h t

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this quarantine has made me watch The Last Airbender (love the show) and now i been watching Sofia the First (kids tv show).


"what?" Yoongi asked. Jimin smiles brightly at him. Taehyung and Jungkook were also confused about what Jimin just said. "You heard correctly," he said crossing his arms.

"How?" Taehyung asked. Jimin turns to Taehyung and starts explaining. "You see Taehyung, we have our creator here. The one who made us. We can force him to make our son" Jimin said.

"He can use the skin of this Yoongi guy and his face. Don't worry. He won't be as strong as us. After all, he'll be stuck in a baby's body" Jimin said. He then looks at you.

"He will always be by you...as our son" He added as he removes the cloth from your mouth.

"Let him go! You want me, right!?! Let him go and you can have me!" You yelled.

"We can't do that princess. After what Jimin said, I agree with his plan. It would be amazing to start a family with you!" Taehyung smiles.

"And we won't have to deal with adult him trying to steal you away" Jungkook added.

"Now that you two agree...Taehyung go kill Yoongi but make sure his skin has no scratches. And Jungkook let our creator out and watch him. I'll deal with our angel" Jimin said.


"I knew this would happen," Jin said looking down at the ground. Namjoon looked at him. "I knew they'll ditch us. I swear if it's Yoongi's fault, I'm gonna throw my backpack at him just like I did to Hoseok" Jin said.

"Oh come on! They just got together. You know how much he loves her"

"Yeah, but he should love me more. After all, I'm the oldest" Jin said pouting.

"Guys!" Both Jin and Namjoon looked forward to see Hoseok running towards him. "Hey Hoseok," Namjoon said with a wave. Jin walked towards Hoseok, shaking him as he complains. "They left us! I should have never trusted Yoongi with (Y/N)" Jin said.

"First of all, Hyung stop shaking me. Second of all, what are you talking about? I clearly remember (Y/N) agreeing on coming. And if she comes, Yoongi would definitely come along" Hoseok said.

"Well they're not here," Namjoon said.

"The last time I saw them was when they left to go to her mom's place. Maybe we should go ask her" Hoseok said.

"Yeah, we should. It's weird for none of them to tell us that they changed plans." Namjoon said. The three of them headed towards your mother's house. Jin knocked on the door and waited for your mom to answer it.

"Hello," she said as she opens the door.

"Hello Mrs.(L/N). We are sorry if we're bothering you but have you seen your daughter? We had planned together along with Yoongi" Jin explains.

"I saw them leaving but Jimin came and told me that she's moving in with him," Your mom said.

"Who's Jimin?" Namjoon asked.

"Oh! He's a friend of (Y/N)" your mom answered.

"Friend? We never have seen (Y/N) with other people" Hoseok said.

"Well I think when they went to the party I asked her to go, a newspaper showed a picture of them together. I'll look if I still have it" she said going for the search.

"Who could this Jimin guy be?" Jin asked.

"No idea," Namjoon said. Your mom appeared with the newspaper. "Here you go" she hands them it. The three of them looked and were surprised. "He's the guy from the cafe!" Hoseok said.

"Jin! You said you need research about the cafe" Namjoon spoke.

"Yes and if I remember the only job you could take is being the night guard. It said they were needed to watch the animatronics"

"You're saying this Jimin guy is an animatronic!!! You didn't care to tell us!?!" Hoseok yelled.

"Hey! Don't yell at me! I didn't think this could happen" Jin fought back.

"So you're saying my daughter was taken by an animatronic?" Your mother asked with a shaky voice.

"We believe so Mrs.(L/N)" Namjoon said.

"How many animatronics are there?" She asked.

"Three. Jimin included. One of them had black curly hair and the other one just black hair." Jin answers.

"You must come in! My husband told me about three weapons that were might for wars before he died. He said it was impossible to destroy them..." she started off. The three boys walked inside the house.

"He never showed me anything about his work. He just told me. He said he was working on a way to find out how to destroy them if they were in the wrong hand"

"That's great! We can use that to try to get her back!" Hoseok said.

"There's a problem..."

"Don't tell me Mr.(L/N) didn't find it" Jin said.

"You can only use it on one of them"

The Vicious Three |yandere maknae line x reader|  Pt1Where stories live. Discover now