t w e n t y - o n e

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it's not monday, but D-2 came out so why not celebrate!


Jungkook grabbed your hand, dragging you away from those guys. He wasn't joking when he said he would break their bones. You're his for today, no one else. "J-Jungkook" he turns around and sees you scared a bit. He kisses your forehead again and cups your cheeks. "I'm sorry if I scared you, but the way those guys were acting, I couldn't control myself" he said. You smile and ruffle his hair, making him feel something through his wires. "It's okay. Thank you for standing up to them for me" you said.

From there, you and Jungkook looked around the stores inside the building. You would see girls looking at Jungkook and pointing at him. It didn't bother you as much. He wasn't your boyfriend or anything. You're just here to return the promise.

Jungkook smiles when he sees a bunny ear piece and puts it on you. "You look so cute, baby!" He said, making you blush. He pays the man for the bunny ears and drags you away. "why did you buy these?" You asked. "Because you look cute wearing them" he answers.

Soon it was time for the competition to begin so the two of you headed towards the room where it is being held. Your eyes widen and your mouth dropped when you saw how huge the room is. "The room isn't the only thing that's huge" you turned around to see the same guys before walk inside. One of them winks at you as they walk towards their place. Jungkook glared at them, wishing to rip their skin off of their bodies.

You notice how Jungkook was getting angry and decided to hug him, hoping that it would calm him down. He smiles and hugs you back. "You should go to your seat" you said. He shakes his head and looks down at you. "You're coming with me" he said. He grabs your hand and takes you to where competitors were but were stopped.

"Excuse me sir, but the girl has to sit where the audience is" one of the workers said. Jungkook smirks and replies, "you really want my girl to be alone with them? I feel better if she's by me".

"But sir, there's no extra chair-"

"Who needs a chair when she can sit on my lap?" He asked. The employee had no words to say and allow him to take you with him. He looks for his name and takes a seat on the chair. Jungkook then pulls you towards him, making you sit on his lap. "Y-You know I could have sat with the audience and I would have been fine" he said.

"I don't think so, baby. What if someone tries to pull a trick on you like this" he said as you felt his hand on your thigh. "J-Jungkook..." you stutter his name, but he only gives you an innocent smile. You moan quietly when you felt him squeezing your thigh.

"I wouldn't want anyone to do this to my baby" he whispers in a deep voice, sending you shivers down your body. Jungkook starts nibbling on your earlobe, making you whimper a bit. His hand slowly rising up, but before he could do anything he was interrupted.

"So you decided to take your girl in with you, huh?" Jungkook stops what he was doing to find those guys from earlier across front him. "Let's make a deal....*looks at name* Jungkook....if I win, I get your girl"

"And if I win, I get to punch you as many as you can handle"


"And this year winners is Jungkook!!!" the referee said. Jungkook smirks at the guy he made the deal with who was on the ground. ' time to pay up for wanting to steal my girl ' Jungkook thought.

"Congrats on winning, Jungkook!" You smile brightly at him.

"Thank you" he replies. He grabs your hand and drags you outside. Jungkook asked you to stay in the car while he deals with something.

He walks towards the back, where the guy was waiting. "You honestly thought you could steal my baby?" Jungkook asked crossing his arms. "She would never fall for a guy like you" he added. Jungkook throws a punch at the guy, knocking him down on the ground, cold. He smirks as he saw a few of his teeth on the ground. "I would do so much more if I wasn't with my baby" he said looking down at the guy.

Jungkook stepped onto the guy's foot and heard his bones breaking.

"Think twice when you involve my baby"

The Vicious Three |yandere maknae line x reader|  Pt1Where stories live. Discover now