t h i r t e e n

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You felt your cheeks turning red when placing you down on the bathroom counter. You always thought Taehyung was the cute and goofy one but now he looks dead serious. He pressed his soft lips onto yours. He was kissing you passionately like he wanted to do this for a long time. You were arguing with yourself if you should kiss him back or not.

Taehyung pulls out from the kiss and stares into your (e/c) eyes. "kiss me back" he said in his deep husky voice. You nodded like a little girl because Taehyung looked angry. He smirks and pats your head. "good girl" he said and kissed you again. You slowly wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling his body closer to yours. Taehyung purposely bites your lower lip, making you open your mouth, sliding his tongue inside. This was new to you. Jimin never did this to you at your mom's house.

As his tongue was exploring your mouth, Taehyung slowly pushes you back, so your back was hitting the mirror. You felt shivers as his hands started to crawl up your thighs. He proceeds to pull down your underwear and just like Jimin, throwing it aside. The two of you pull away from the kiss since you needed to breathe. He smirks to see how messy you are. He could hear how fast your heart is beating and it's all because of him.

"I'll make this fast, knowing that those friends of yours will be worried. Now I suggest you keep that mouth of yours quiet or do you want everyone here in this cafe to hear those pretty moans of yours?" Taehyung asked. You nodded and he spreads your legs wide open to reveal what's HIS. He licks lips as he lowers himself.

"Keep still," Taehyung said as he moves his face closer.

Meanwhile, Jimin was wondering where you went to, so he got up from his seat but stopped when he heard your name coming out of one of the boys' mouths. "I'm guessing you and (Y/N) haven't talked about the past" Jin said and Yoongi just looked away. "You can talk to us, Yoongi. We're all friends, basically brothers" Namjoon said. "Yeah (Y/N) and I haven't talked. I mean why would she talk to her ex-boyfriend that still has feelings towards her?" Yoongi said making the other three quiet. "There's no point. She hates me. She won't let me talk to her" he added on.

"But you can't give up so easily, Yoongi. It's like when Hoseok took my favorite snack. I ran after him because I didn't want to give up and it took me a long time for me to find that snack since it's one of kind" Jin said.

"stop relating things to food, Jin " Namjoon said.

"and why that story! You fricking threw your backpack at me, making me fall" Hoseok said.

"anyways, what I'm saying is that (Y/N) is one of a kind. You will never meet someone like her. If you want to be together, then you have to try to get her " Jin said.

'So, the boy with the mint hair is the one who dated (Y/N). Mrs.(L/N) is right, I'm the only one perfect for her, so stay away from her. I hate when people touch what's mine. Or else you would like me to show you what happens when people do'

"speaking of (Y/N), is she still in the bathroom?" Hoseok asked.


(You know what happened)

He pulls his face away and stands up to see you now a complete mess.

"You belong to me"

The Vicious Three |yandere maknae line x reader|  Pt1Where stories live. Discover now