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'Fuck! Fuck! I'm screwed!' You thought to yourself. The party is tonight and you haven't told Jimin about it. You sat down on your bed, trying to think of something.

"(Y/N)? Are you okay?" You looked and saw Jimin walking inside. "I'm fine, Jimin" you said. He took a seat next to you and holds your hand. "You know you can tell us anything, right?" He tells you.

"It's just...My mom was invited to a party and she can't go so I have to go,but..."

"but what?" Jimin asked.

"I kinda need you to be my date" you said. "As in, you and I go to the party as a couple?" Jimin asked. You nodded and looked down. "I'll do it" he smiles.

"What about Taehyung and Jungkook?" You asked.

"Those two will be fine. They know how to handle themselves" he said.

"if you say so. Oh! Since the three of you are gonna stay in my house, we should get you guys some clothing" you said. Jimin smiles at you. You're just so sweet and kind. They all love that about their little angel. Jimin cups your cheeks, making them turn red. "You're so cute, angel" he said giving you a peck on your forehead before he walked out of your room.

Jimin heads into the guest room to see Taehyung and Jungkook have their arms crossed looking at him. "What did you agree to do?" Taehyung asked.

"Well, she asked me to be her boyfriend" Jimin said, making the other two mad. "What" Jungkook said.

"Our dear angel asked me to be her date for a party, after all her mom believes I am her boyfriend" Jimin said.

"And why does she think something stupid like that?" Taehyung asked.

"Because our angel told her. So you two better behave yourself while we're gone or I won't hesitate to sell your parts on the internet" Jimin said, making the two gulp. "You wouldn't do that, would you?" Jungkook asked.

"I won't if you don't annoy me, Jungkook" Jimin said.

"Now, let's go. Our angel wants to buy us clothing. Isn't she so sweet?"Jimin said and they nodded.


you were in your bedroom, getting yourself ready for tonight. Your mom said she has sent you a limo to your apartment. You decide to wear a dark red lace mermaid dress. You looked through the window to see the limo outside.

' Ok! Don't make a fool of yourself!' You told yourself as you walk the door. You walked into the living and saw the three animatronics there. Their eyes went all on you.

'Beautiful' they all thought. Jimin smiles, knowing he will have you all to himself tonight. He walks towards you and kisses your hand, making you blush a bit. "Shall we head out, my princess ?" He asked. You nodded as he holds your hand.

"We'll be back soon! I promise I'll make it up for both of you." You said.

"We know. Have fun, (Y/N)!" Taehyung said with a smile. You smile back at him. you and Jimin both then left them alone in your apartment.

"Jungkook." Taehyung said in his deep voice. "I know Hyung" Jungkook said as he grabs your laptop from your room. He logins in and starts doing his thing. "We can't control Jimin since he's the oldest animatronic, but we're able to see what he sees from his eyes" Jungkook explains.

"Jimin's more close to her and I hate it" Taehyung confesses.

"You don't think I do too? She's our, Taehyung. She's fear us one day. She'll hate him the most after what he did to Mr.Han and the creator" Jungkook said.

"Yes, but we helped too. After all, we want her...but we all know that..."

"doʇs ʇ'uoʍ ǝɥ 'sllıʞɯıſ ǝɔuo"

just wanted to say thank you to reading my story. i published a one shot call, THE FAIREST OF THEM ALL (yandere hoseok x reader) and I hope you can check that out.
Love you all and thanks again for reading my book.

ps my friend is gonna publish a yandere junhui( SVT ) tomorrow.
Her account
i hope you can check it out once it comes out

love you all again!!!!

The Vicious Three |yandere maknae line x reader|  Pt1Where stories live. Discover now