t w e n t y - f i v e

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double update bc im bored and i basically have no hw


You were walking through the hallways, looking down. You headed towards your locker to grab your books. As you open your locker, you felt someone's presence.

"Hey (Y/N)..."

"You need something Hoseok?" You asked looking at him.

"There's a party tonight and you should come," he said. "Give me a good reason why I should. You remember the last time I went to a party" you said.

"That was a dance. Anyways, Violet is gone. The thing won't happen again" He explains.

"Who's going?"

"Every senior"

"Fine, if you, Jin, and Namjoon are there then I'll go" a smile appeared on his face. Hoseok hugs you tightly. "I promise you will have fun and be safe!" He said and you nodded.

' I have a bad feeling about this'

"She said yes!" Hoseok said to the others. It was lunchtime and the four of them were eating together. "That's amazing! Yoongi can finally tell her the truth!" Namjoon said.

Yoongi was surprised that you were going. You never went to a party since that night. Were you going to make him jealous? Were you gonna bring someone with you? Questions were running in his mind.

"Let's hope things go well for the two of them. I honestly miss the old Yoongi" Jin said.

"The old Yoongi that tricked you so many things?" Hoseok asked.

"Well yeah. That boy was more outgoing and now look at him!" Jin said.

"oh shut up, Jin Hyung" Yoongi said getting up from his set and walking out. The three of them watch as he was. Once he was gone, the three of them looked at each other.

"Operation Happy Yoongi is on a roll," Hoseok said.

"When did we come up with that name?" Namjoon asked.

"I couldn't think of anything else so yeah. We must have them in a room together so they can talk things out"

"We must make sure no one interrupts them"'Jin said.



The three animatronics felt lonely when you were at school. Taehyung was playing with the cat while Jungkook was playing a video game. Jimin was in your room, looking through your pictures. He smiles when he saw a baby picture.

' my angel was so cute when she was a baby. I wonder how our babies would have looked like if I were human...they would have probably been cute as their mother'

"I'm home!" Jimin immediately puts the picture back and leaves your room. He walks towards the living room to see Taehyung and Jungkook hugging you tightly. "We missed you, Princess," Taehyung said.

"I was only gone for a few hours though," you said.

"Still..." Jungkook said.

"Oh! I tried calling Hyungwon but he won't answer. I wonder how he's doing"'you said making the three of them silent.

The Vicious Three |yandere maknae line x reader|  Pt1Where stories live. Discover now