t w e n t y - t h r e e

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"That fucking bunny did something to her last night!" Jimin yelled. Taehyung was on the couch, petting your cat. "of course he did. did you forget what you said? You agreed on letting him take her virginity. It's your damn fault for agreeing with him. You know how Jungkook is. Once he gets addicted to doing something he won't stop until he gets bored" Taehyung said.

"shut the fuck up Taehyung!" Jimin yells again. Taehyung rolls his eyes and pets the cat again. "but you did say that if he sucks, we can always come in" he said. "What are you saying?" Jimin asked.

"Our angel has two holes doesn't she?" He smirks. Jimin then understands what he was talking about and smirks. "She does, doesn't she," he said.


"(L/N) (Y/N)" the teacher called your name but there was no answer. Jin looks around the classroom to see you not there. It was strange. You never miss school. He looks back at the teacher and starts thinking about why you possibly aren't here.

'Maybe she's still sick. I should give her a call once I can use my phone'

Meanwhile, Jungkook was playing with your (h/c) hair as he watches you still sleeping in his arms. You were out of energy. Since he's an animatronic, he didn't get tired and still wanted more. He had you cum multiple times and once he saw you were slowly getting tired, he stopped and cuddle with you.

You slowly open your eyes to see Jungkook smiling at you. "good morning, baby" he said. "what time is it?" you asked. "It's 10 am" he answers. Your eyes widen when you saw that Jungkook was shirtless. Your cheeks turn red and you close your eyes. He chuckles at your cute reaction. "did you forget what happened last night?" He asked.

'Of course not. I freaking let an animatronic steal my virginity. Fucking idiot!' You thought to yourself. Jungkook notices you daydreaming so he takes it as an opportunity to kiss you again. The kiss was for a few seconds until you pulled away.

"Let's go back home. Jimin and Taehyung might get worried about us" you said, but Jungkook hugs you tightly. "they're big boys, (Y/N). I wanna spend more time with you" he said.

"But we spend the whole time yesterday alone," you said.

"I know, but what can I say, I'm a selfish little bunny who wants his baby to himself"

"Alright but we're leaving when it's 4 pm" making a smile appear on his face.


Jin walks towards his table to see Hoseok, Yoongi, and Namjoon. "Why are you late?" Namjoon asked.

"I had to make a call," Jin said taking a seat. Hoseok was biting his bottom lip. Yoongi notices it and decides to ask him what's wrong.

"Recently some man has been missing for a few days. It's not the first time though. There was this other man who's been missing for a couple of weeks"

"And why are you worry?" Namjoon asked.

"I got a call from my aunt saying that my cousin has been missing. She said he went to some video game competition and never came back"

"Your cousin will come back soon. Don't worry about it too much" Namjoon said.

"Let's forget about the sad news and talk about something happy. I heard that there's a party this Friday. Maybe Yoongi should invite (Y/N) as his date" Jin said looking at the boy who was eating.

"And why should I? You know she hates me"

"We all know you still love her. Just tell her how you feel and explain to her" Namjoon said.

"I can't! Why!?! She won't let me talk! You guys don't understand the pain we both went through. Yeah, I love her still, but she doesn't. I no longer belong to her heart" Yoongi yelled. All of the others looked down. They knew he would react like this. Yoongi has always been like this when it comes to you. He cares for you even if you two aren't together. You hold a special place in his heart and they knew about it.

' I guess it's a bad time to bring up those hickeys I saw on her thigh'

The Vicious Three |yandere maknae line x reader|  Pt1Where stories live. Discover now