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"W-What? How? We were told that you would be destroyed" Namjoon said looking at the fox animatronic. Of course, he smiles brightly at Namjoon and Hoseok.

"Oh, humans are really stupid. What Mr.(L/N) built will destroy me...if it was five years ago. Don't forget we get changed. New systems and new parts. Jungkook is our hacker and our technician. We can never be destroyed. Like it or not" Jimin said.

Taehyung had you back sitting in your seat, Jimin looks at the bear and bunny. "Since the two of you had your fun, I'll have mine," he said. "Don't kill them. Let them go and you can have me to yourselves like you wanted, right? Just let them leave" you said.

"As much as you want us to, we can't. They know about us and they even tried to take you away from us" Taehyung said.

"How should I kill you two? Shall I rip off your limbs or should I just do what Jungkook did, squeeze your heads until your brain is squished" Jimin said looking at a scared Namjoon and Hoseok.

"Why not do both? You have two of them" Jungkook said still working on the baby animatronic.

"You're right. I can" Jimin said with a smirk. You were begging in the inside that he wouldn't kill them in front of you just like Jungkook and Taehyung did. You know you're never gonna recover from this.

Jimin opens the cage and grabs Namjoon. You saw tears falling down on his cheeks. They didn't deserve this. None of them. Jimin shoves Namjoon's face in front of you. "Look at your friend, angel. It's your fault that he's gonna died. It's your fault that those people died. If only you weren't as close to them, they could still be moving" Jimin said. You looked at Namjoon and it broke your heart. "Jimin please...I'm begging you to spare them," you said with tears.

"I'm sorry angel but I can't do that," he said squeezing Namjoon's head. You scream seeing the scene again. Hoseok started gagging when he saw blood on Jimin. He threw Namjoon's body aside and looks at Hoseok. "I have always been jealous of Yoongi and you. The two of you were always so close to our (Y/N). I was so angry that I couldn't kill you yet but now I can" Jimin said walking towards Hoseok.

You closed your eyes but Taehyung makes you open them. You saw Hoseok screaming as Jimin pulls out his limbs. Your eyes landed on Hoseok's dead body with no arms or legs. "These are the consequences for not listening to us" Taehyung whispers into your ear.

"Guys..." Jungkook said.

"What is it?" Jimin asked.

"We have unwanted visitors," he said.

"They're in the basement. I heard screams" Jin said pointing at the house. The company finally arrived with a few soldiers since they are very powerful.

Before the soldiers could walk inside the house, all three of them walked out. "Let them go and surrender yourselves," someone said. Jimin just laughs at them. "And have us lock inside your prison? Oh, no. We like the real world. We especially love (Y/N). The only person who cares about us" He said.

"We can't let you take us not her. We will do anything to make sure she's with forever" Taehyung said.

"Our (Y/N) isn't like you disgusting humans. She's different. She's our savior. We deserve her! We deserve her love! Don't you know how lonely we were!?! We had no one! Everyone was scared of us. She's ours" Jungkook said.

The Vicious Three |yandere maknae line x reader|  Pt1Where stories live. Discover now