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You were surprised by the pet name he just called you. It was so weird to see him without his fox ears. How was he able to hide them? And how the hell did he even get here?

Before you could ask him those questions, your mom walked in. "Aww! You two look so cute together! Promise me that you won't leave her. She can be a bit annoying but she's a sweet girl" your mom was telling...no begging him. Your mom knew how you were when your ex boyfriend broke up with you and she doesn't want to see you go through that again.

"Of course. Your daughter is one of a kind. I can't let her go that easily" Jimin said with a smile.

"You're so sweet Jimin! I'm so happy that you will soon be part of our family" your mom smiles. The door bell rings and she heads off to open the door.

"You came!" You sighed knowing it was your older brother. He was always competitive when you two were little that's one of the reasons why you dislike him.

"Mom, this is my girlfriend, Chan-hee"

"Oh...you're very pretty..." your mom said but the way she said it made you think that she really doesn't.

"so jimin what are you doing here?" You asked the boy who was playing with your hair. "who's that?" You two looked up to see your brother and his girlfriend.

His girlfriend was wearing something that wouldn't be allowed at church so you don't know why she thinks it's appropriate for a family dinner. She was one of those girls. You never thought your brother would be into them but then again he's a male.

"I see you met (Y/N)'s boyfriend" your mother said with a smile. You get up from Jimin and he too gets up to slide one of his arms around your waist. " my name is Park Jimin. It's a pleasure to meet you" Jimin smiles at your brother and his girlfriend.

"The name is Ho-jun and this is my girlfriend, Chan-hee" your brother said. "It's nice to meet you" His girlfriend smiles at Jimin. You rolled your eyes not because you're jealous. Why would you be jealous over her? She's an idiot to think Jimin is human. The reason why you did was because it was the most popular way those type of girls would do over a handsome person.

"Dinner is ready!" Your mom yelled.

Dinner was okay. Your mom and brother kept on asking Jimin how you two met and what he wants to be when he's older and stuff like that. She was totally avoiding your brother's girlfriend. You were surprised by Jimin's answers. He was honest with how you two met which was in the cafe and he said he wanted to because a writer because he loves reading, especially romantic novels.

"May I use the restroom?" Chan-hee asked.

"It's upstairs" your mom said not paying any attention to her. You watch as she goes upstairs. You notice that she was take a few glances at Jimin. It really bother you. How can she look at someone else when her boyfriend was right next to her? Just because you dislike your brother doesn't mean you don't love him. Yeah there are some things wrong with him but he's just human.

"mom, do you happen to still have that old guitar of mine?" You asked your mother. "Oh yes! I have it in your old room" she replied. And from that you left the dining room to your old room.

"this is getting so hard! his sister's boyfriend is so hot. how can a girl like her get a boy like him?" your room was close to the bathroom so you can hear what Chan-hee was saying.

' i guess i won't be stuck with mom ' you thought as you walked into your old bedroom. A smile appears on your face when you saw your old guitar. It was a gift from your mother after the hard times you went through.

You froze when you felt two arms around your waist. His scent was driving you a bit crazy. "Jimin what are you doing?" You asked. "Just hugging my girlfriend" he said. You saw that the door was close meaning that you two are alone.

"Now care to explain what you're doing here and where your fox ear went?" You asked. He lets go of you and takes a seat on the bed as you decide to take a sit on your old desk.

"Well I overheard your conversation with the manger and I wanted to help. So I asked him if I can help you. It took a lot of begging but he allowed me to go. It's the first time I been out of the cafe" he said. It broke your heart that it was his first time out of the cafe. How long has he and the others been there?

"And about the ears...we're able to remove them if we want. I wear them in the cafe because it looks super cute on me! but i removed them so your family would think I'm human"

"Jimin..." the boy looks up at you.

"I feel kinda bad since this is your first time out here. So how about we leave early and have some fun. It will be a reward for helping me out. Hyungwon doesn't know when the dinner is over so we can have as much fun as we can!" You smiles brightly.

There it was again. You looked so beautiful especially with that dress you're wearing. He hates that he can't always be with you. It annoys him. He gets up from the bed and walks towards you. With one of his hands, he caresses your cheek and with the other, your thigh.

Jimin smirks as he sees you blushing again. He liked seeing you so weak in front of him. He felt like he could anything to you.

"How about I give you a reward" he said before smashing his lips onto yours.

The Vicious Three |yandere maknae line x reader|  Pt1Where stories live. Discover now