t w e n t y - n i n e

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"What! We can't use it for all three of those monsters" Namjoon said. "I'm sorry. My husband died before he could make the other two" your mom said. She led them to your father's room and pulled out a box.

"This is the weapon you have to us on one of them" Hoseok takes it and puts it in his pocket. "Who should we used it on?" Jin asked.

"Well, we know Jimin has her so him," Namjoon said.

"What about the other two? What were their names?" Hoseok asked. "I think it was TaeTae and Kookie," Jin said. "Well we really don't know if they're with Jimin so we just have to be careful"  Namjoon replied.

"So we agree to use it on Jimin. Now, where on earth would he take her and Yoongi?" Hoseok said.

"Maybe this could help you three," your mom said handing them a small piece of paper. "What's this?" Jin asked. "It's an address. This is where Jimin was built" she explained.

"Thank you, Mrs.(L/N). We promise to bring your daughter back" Hoseok said.

"Thank you so much. I'll also inform the company as well. They will arrive there soon to deal with the other two" your mom said.

"Thank you. Jin, take us there" Namjoon said.

"My car better not get damage or else you're paying for it, Namjoon"


You were still in the same stupid chair, with no more tears. You were just silent and broken. Taehyung had killed Yoongi and Jungkook removing his skin right in front of you. The creator, of course, scared for his life was building the baby structure for their new son.

Taehyung noticed that you haven't spoken when he killed Yoongi. He walked towards you and tap your nose, making you look at him with your emotionless eyes. "Jungkook, I think we broke her," Taehyung said now poking your cheeks.

"Good. Now we can fix her into the lady we want her to be" Jungkook said as he helps the creator so the process will go faster.

"Princess, I hope you know we're doing this all for you. We want you safe and far away from those disgusting humans. We'll protect you. We are the only ones you need" Taehyung said caressing your cheek but you didn't say anything nor move which pissed him off. "Say something Princess," he said in his deep voice.

"I hope all three burn to death," you said. Taehyung smirks at your comments. "I see you still have hope huh. Well, it's a manner of time when despairs will win" he answered.

Jimin walks downstairs with a proud smile on his face. "Did you kill him?" Taehyung asked. "Of course I did. Can't let anyone stop us. So who is our angel?" He said looking at you. "She wasn't speaking a few hours ago but she has now" He answers.

"Oh really? I hope she realizes that there no escape. She will forever be with us" Jimin said.

"Hurry up!" Jungkook yells at the creator who dropped his tool. "You know what! I don't need you anymore. I can finish this my damm self." Jungkook said as he grabs the creator by the head and with his stronger hand, squeezing the human head. Once blood was on Jungkook's hand, he threw the body into the wall.

"I hope you what you said is true or else you're a goner too," Jimin said to Jungkook. "Of course I can. I'm Jungkook" he said.

Outside of the house, the three musketeers arrived. Jin was scared the most. "What if they ruin my car or face?" He asked but got hit by Hoseok. "That's not the time to complain. We must save them. You three know the plan right?" Hoseok said and the two nodded.

"Let's go save our friends," Namjoon said. Jin stays in the car, waiting for help to arrive while Namjoon and Hoseok go look. They heard voices from the basement. Instead of going downstairs from the inside of the house, they took another way in.

they hid low and saw the three animatronics. Namjoon looked around the room and was about to gasp when he saw Yoongi's and an old man's bodies. Hoseok looks at you who was sitting with an emotionless face. It was like your soul was taken away from you.

"Jimin's the red hair guy," Namjoon said. Hoseok nodded and slowly moved closer towards them without getting caught. You had your eyes down on the bloody ground.

"DIE YOU MONSTER!" Hoseok yells as he uses the weapon to destroy Jimin. Both Taehyung and Jungkook were shocked to see Jimin all of a sudden glitch. His body started moving a lot but then stop. His eyes closed and his body fell into the ground.

"A job well done for you. You destroy our oldest brother" Jungkook said clapping. Hoseok calls out Namjoon who had a gallon of water. He bumped it into Jungkook and Taehyung who started shaking as well. Hoseok unties you and grabs your hand.

"Let's go!" He said. The three of you were gonna leave but then Hoseok and Namjoon were pushed into a cage. You looked around and saw two of them standing.

"H-How?" Hoseok asked.

"Don't forget we're smarter than you humans" Taehyung said.

"I made sure our wires were waterproof. I'm not that stupid" Jungkook said.

"Now that Jimin's gone, we must go on with our plan"

"We must"

"Who said I was a goner?"

The Vicious Three |yandere maknae line x reader|  Pt1Where stories live. Discover now