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The three boys were looking at you who was shaking and had tears rolling down your eyes. The bunny boy looked at the other two, hoping they had the same idea. "We're sorry that we gave you a little fright. we're not that scary" the fox boy said.

"yeah! We only came here to introduce ourselves to our new friend!" The bear boy said.

"s-so you see me as a person?" you asked wiping your tears away. The bunny boy rolled his eyes and said "of course we do. don't tell me they said that we will see you as something else. they're always being extra". The fox boy headed towards you and grabbed both of yours hands.

"Hi! My name is Jimin! As you can see, I'm a fox" he smiles.

"The bunny is Jungkook and the bear is Taehyung. The customers call us by our stage name. My stage name is Chimmy and Taehyung's name is Tae and Jungkook is Kookie!" The fox boy whose name is Jimin said.

"I-I see...my name is (Y/N). I'm the new night guard" you said. A huge smile appeared on the three of them.

"Im so happy! We been so lonely. When we try and introduce ourselves to the old guards, but they always pushed us away. All we want is a new friend. So (Y/N) do you wanna be our friend?" The bear boy also known as Taehyung asked.

'How do these three animatronics have feelings?'

"S-sure" you said. All of the sudden you were pull into a hug. You in the middle while the animatronics were surrounding you. They pulled away, only to have Taehyung and the bunny boy, Jungkook to hold your hands.

"Let's give her a tour!" Jungkook suggested. The other two nodded. In seconds, you were dragged out of the office. As Jimin was telling which room was which, Jungkook and Taehyung has been by your side still holding your hand. You watch their faces carefully to see how really happy they are which is kinda scary.

"Let's go to our room! We can talk more there!" Taehyung suggest. They led you to their room. It was just a simple room just like yours. Three beds and a closet. Jungkook and Taehyung jump into their beds and snuggle with their plushies. You sat in the empty bed which was in the middle. Jimin comes and takes a seat next to you, and holds your hand.

"So tell us about yourself (Y/N)" Jimin said looking into your eyes. You swear that his eyes looked so realistic. "I-I'm eighteen and im a senior in high school..." you started off. You looked at Jungkook who gasped. "I always wanted to go to school! Are you the popular girl in school?" He asked.

You chuckled that he would think of you being popular. "sorry to disappoint you but no. I'm just someone who stays in the back" you said. "I thought you were since you are really pretty" he said. You felt your cheeks becoming warm because of the bunny's comment.

"Aw Jungkook, you made her blush" Jimin said.

"what do you do for fun?" Taehyung asked.

"Um...I watch anime, draw and take pictures" you said. You saw Taehyung's eyes lighten up. "You take pictures!?! I always wanted to go out and take pictures!" He said with a smile.

You're going to be completely honest, even though these three boys are animatronics, they are still cute. You couldn't help yourself but to cup his cheeks. He was just too cute for you to resist, especially when he has cute bear ears. "You're so cute" you said.

Taehyung was felt shock to see you cupping his cheeks. He didn't have a heart but he did have feelings. And the feeling he was getting from you felt so warm and sweet. He wanted you to more to him but he looked at his brothers to see them upset. He got sad when you remove your hands and apologized.

To not have awkwardness, Jimin asked you a question.

"Are you coming tomorrow?"

The Vicious Three |yandere maknae line x reader|  Pt1Where stories live. Discover now