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"Im so screwed!!!" You said as you hit your head on the stirring-wheel. It's already 10pm and you can't drive back to your apartment because it's dark and you're still a high school student. "You okay?" You saw the door opening and Jungkook took a seat. "You're gonna have to stay the night here. Luckily I know a place where we can stay for free" you said. He nodded and put his seatbelt on. "Let's go" he smiles.

You two arrived at a hotel. Jungkook was shocked to see the hotel you picked. It was huge and looked so fancy. He gets out of the car and follows you inside the hotel.

"Oh! Ms.(L/N) it's a pleasure to see you" one of the workers said.

"May I have a room that has two beds" you asked.

"I'm so sorry, but we only have a room with one bed"

"It's fine. We'll take that room" you said with a smile. The worker nodded and handed you the keys. "Enjoy your stay" they said. You took the keys and headed towards the elevator with Jungkook following behind you.

"Don't you need to pay? This is a fancy hotel" Jungkook said. "I don't need to if I'm the daughter of the owner" you said. The elevator hits your floor and you two walk towards the room.

You walked inside and Jungkook's mouth dropped. It looked so fancy. "If you're family is that rich, why do you live in that apartment and work at the cafe?" Jungkook asked.

"Oh well, I want to be independent and earn my own money, just like my mother" you said and he nodded.

You grabbed the remote which was on the bed. "You know, you can change the color of the lights. For example..." you suddenly changed the lights to a dark red and before you could change it back, Jungkook took the remote away from you, wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him, smashing his lips onto yours.

It's happening again. Just like with Taehyung and Jimin. You were hoping that he wouldn't be like them, but you were totally wrong. He pulls away and looks at your (e/c) eyes. "kiss me back, baby" he said kisses you again. You did as you were told, kissing him back and wrapping your arms around his neck. He squeezes your butt, telling you to jump and you did. He carries you onto the bed, still having your lips connected.

This was Jungkook's plan.

Taking you far away from your apartment. Staying the night in a room, where he plans on fucking you without having the other two get involved.

It was his plan from the start.

The Vicious Three |yandere maknae line x reader|  Pt1Where stories live. Discover now