t w e n t y - s e v e n

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"Why did you kill him?" You asked. You always wanted to ask the murderer why they killed him. Your father was innocent. He loved everyone. He was so kind yet he was taken away from you by them.

"He was in the way of our escape plan so he had to," Jimin said looking at Taehyung and nodding. Taehyung pushes into a chair while Jungkook ties you to it.

"We have been all alone. no one to talk to...but you came and changed everything. you became our friend..." the boy with red said walking towards you. now you were tied up in a chair with your mouth covered.

"you open up to us...we been here for so many years. we killed all of our old guards because they didn't open to us and locked us away...you didn't. you think of us as humans...that why we can't let you go" the black-haired boy said.

"you are ours, (Y/N) you can never leave us...we will always be by your side..." the curly black haired said.

"you belong to US"

Jungkook looked at Yoongi who was furious about this. "Can I kill him now?" He asked Jimin making Yoongi's eyes widen. Jimin looks back at Yoongi, scanning his face. "No we need him alive" Jimin answered.

"Taehyung feed our creator. We need him to do something for us" You watched as Taehyung throw food to the creator. He smirks as he sees the creator eating the food like an animal. Taehyung looks back at you and smiles.

"Your cat is safe, no need to worry," He said caressing your cheek. Jungkook glares at Yoongi. "What did you see him in? He's not even good looking like us. Bet he ain't good in bed either" Jungkook said.

Jimin was no longer in the room with you guys. It was only Jungkook and Taehyung in the room. "You're not gonna win! You three will be shut down!" Yoongi yelled. Both animatronics started laughing at Yoongi.

"You think we can be shut down. You're dealing with three animatronics who were supposed to be the key to winning wars. No one can stop us. After all, we are STRONGER than you humans" Jungkook said.

"What is Jimin even planning? This human is really annoying him" Taehyung said. Jungkook then got an idea. "How about we should this Yoongi guy who our baby belongs to" he whispers to Taehyung. The two of them looked at Yoongi with a smirk. "Sure. I really wanna see his face as I fuck her" Taehyung said. "No! don't do this. Leave her alone!" Yoongi begs.

"Begging won't help. She's ours so we can do what we want" Jungkook said.

"Touch her and I won't hesitate to throw you two into the fire" They looked at Jimin who now has appeared. "Such a mood breaker" Jungkook pouts as he crosses his arms. "I don't like people staring at our angel that's why. Also, it's his time to go" Jimin said.

"Finally! We get to kill him" Jungkook said with a smile.

"No. I had another idea that we must need our creator for" Jimin said smirk. He looks at you who had tears rolling down your cheek. He walks towards you, wiping your tears away. "I told your mom, telling her that you are moving in with me," he said with a smile.

"What do you plan on doing with him?" Taehyung asked.

"Well since we are animatronics, we can't become humans. Humans think it is impossible" Jimin starts off.

"So you want us to become humans?" Jungkook asked.

"No. It's better if we stay what we are or we'll be as weak as them. As I was saying, we can't be humans meaning we can't start a family with our angel. Look at the human's face. Looks soft, right"

"how about we make a human into an animatronic..."

"a baby animatronic to be more specific"

The Vicious Three |yandere maknae line x reader|  Pt1Where stories live. Discover now