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From what you have learn from the manager of the cafe, is that the boys who were with the customers are actually animatronics. They seem real humans like but really aren't. And you also learn that your job is to be the night guard. So you have to work here from 12am-6am. Of course you didn't like the idea but you needed the money and rent day is close.

As you were walking out of the cafe, you felt them staring at you. You didn't look at them and just left. You headed straight home. Once you arrive home, you did your homework. After that you watch tv and waited for the clock to hit 11:30pm.

'How did they make those things so human like? Are they really that advance? It's so scary and creepy'

You jumped up from your couch and headed towards your room to grab your phone and black hoodie. You wished your cat goodbye and headed out to your job. You saw the manager who's name is Hyungwon who was cleaning the tables. You knocked on the door and he looked up with a smile. He opens the door and lets you inside.

"You came right on time! Perfect!" He smiles.

"Um...where are the animatronics?" You asked.

"The boys are in their room. You will be staying in the office where the cameras are. Your job is just to make sure the place is safe. The old night guard has made you videos to help you" Hyungwon said.

"W-What happen to the old cafe?" You asked. You remember that he said that this cafe is the reopening of an old cafe.

"Something happened which caused the owner to shut down for awhile. It's the past though. No need to be scared. Well I have to go. I wish you good luck!" He said leaving the cafe. You saw the keys that he left for you. You locked the door and now you're stuck in the cafe with three animatronics. You immediately headed towards the office and locked the door.

You took a seat and saw a voice recorder that says play me. You hesitate to play it but then remember what Hyungwon said about the old guard. You play it to hear a man's voice.

"H-hello? I wanted to record a message for you since it's your first night. This might be a bit overwhelming, but everything will be alright. Welcome to Expresso Time, a magical place for everyone. The company is not responsible for damage, property or person. Upon discovering that damage or death has occurred, a missing person report will be filed within 90 days or soon as property has been cleaned"

"blah blah, now that might sound bad but there's nothing to worry about. The animatronics get a bit quirky at night. Remember that these animatronics hold a special place to our customers so we need to show respect. Be aware that the animatronics do wander as you have notice when you enter. The only risk for you is that they probably won't recognize you as a person. Check those cameras and remember to close the door. Alright, good night"

'W-What? Did he just say that they won't recognize me as a p-person? Okay (Y/N)...you just need to survive the night. The door is lock so they can't get inside. Just keep an eye on them and you're good'

You look through the cameras and saw them in their room. Your heart was beating fast before but is calming down since they haven't move yet. All of the sudden your phone start ringing. You saw the ID Caller and saw it was your mother.


*hi sweetie, how are you doing? Did I wake you up? I'm sorry*

"No! I'm actually awake. See I'm occurring working now"

*Now! It's 12am, (Y/N)! You're a high school student! You shouldn't be working now*

"I know but I really need the job and anyways it's Friday"

*you're not working at a club, right?*

"no. I'm a night guard for a cafe"

*okay that sounds safe. good luck hun*

"Thanks mom" you said and hung up the phone. You looked back at the camera and your eyes widen.

"t-they're gone..." you said shaking. You look through the other cameras and saw no one. You were honestly scared.


The Vicious Three |yandere maknae line x reader|  Pt1Where stories live. Discover now