f i f t e e n

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got bored and decided to update. hope you enjoy it!


You were in your bedroom walking back and forth, thinking about what you plan on doing with those hickeys that Taehyung just left you. Jimin fingered you and now Taehyung ate you. Jungkook better not be next. You have to go to school today since Jin wanted to meet up for the project but this time just you and him. You won't have to see Yoongi so that's good, but you don't want Jin to see your thighs because you know he'll freak out.

You applied makeup on your thighs, just like your mom taught you when she hid the hickey that Jimin gave you before. You looked at the clock and saw that the bus was gonna arrive soon.

"I'm gonna be late!" You said as you were grabbing your things. You headed out of your apartment and ran towards the bus stop, passing by the cafe where the three animatronics were. They watched you ran passed them. They all looked at each other for a few minutes until Jimin spoke.

"so what are we gonna do?" He asked.

"what do you mean?" Taehyung asked.

"I mean, (Y/N) is going to school right now, meaning bunch of horny teenage boys are gonna look at our friend and we all know we don't like that idea" Jimin explains.

"well (Y/N) did say she didn't talk to anyone and that she stays away from drama. So I say she trust her for now. But if we see her hanging out with those four other boys, we might have to teach them lesson" Jungkook said.

"You might be a reaction this time if you choke them" Jimin said as he recalls Jungkook trying to choke him last time.

"shut up" the bunny snapped.

"well let's get the cafe clean or else Hyungwon will get angry at us again" Taehyung said.

"He was only angry at you because you keep on eating the desserts!" Jungkook said

"hey! You keep on eating the chocolate cakes and Ice cream!"

"both of you be quiet or else I'll pour gasoline on you and lit you both up" Jimin threaten, making the two of them shut up.

"I forgot Jimin is scary when he's angry" Jungkook said.

"same" Taehyung said.

"let's get this over with" Jimin said handing them brooms.


You and Jin were at the library, working on your project. You two wanted to get the project over with so you two plan on staying here until it's done. You and Jin were talking about random things until he decided to ask you a question.

"would you give Yoongi a second chance?" you stood there quiet for a bit and started thinking. Would you?

"i don't know..." you answered.

"I know it's not my problem to interfere into your personal life, but what happened to you? you stopped talking to us ever since you and Yoongi broke up. Is because of him?"

"No it wasn't and can we please stop talking about it"
You said trying to hold your tears back. You have reasons on why you decide to keep away from people and you don't plan on telling anyone.

"im sorry, (Y/N). I didn't mean to-"

"I know, Jin. I know. You're just worried about me, I get it, but I'm fine now"

"Alright but if you need me, I'm always here"


"No problem"



The boys were in their bedroom, waiting for their security guard to come in for the night shift. All three of them sitting in front of the clock. They heard the door of the office room open.

"he's here" Jungkook said.

"you know the plan right?" Jimin asked and the two nodded. Jungkook got into his computer, hacking into the system. He was only connected to the cafe. With a click, he turns off all the lights giving Taehyung and Jimin to go sign. The two boys walk towards the office room. They could hear the security guard's heart racing fasts. They could see how he was panicking.

"oh no...oh no...what am I going to go!" they heard the guard said. Jungkook then arrive and the three of them knocked on the door. Mr.Han opens the door to see the three animatronics.

"oh it's you three" he said rolling his eyes.

"Mr.Han, do you wanna be our friend?" Taehyung asked. They waited for his response but laughter came from the human's mouth.

"Me? Be friends with you? What a joke. Of course not. You three are scary as hell. No one will ever be your friend"

"Why are all humans the same? They lock us up in our room and won't wanna be our friend. We try to be nice to you all, but you leave us no choice" Jimin said as Taehyung and Jungkook walk slowly behind Mr.Han.

Soon, both the bear and the bunny grabbed Mr.Han tightly. He was shock at first and tried to fight them off. "if you keep on moving you're gonna break your arms" Taehyung said to him.

"What are you three doing!" He yelled.

"What we must to keep our friend by us" Jungkook answered.

"Our (Y/N) is not like you humans. She's an angel that saved us for loneness. We plan on protecting her and stay by her side" Jimin said walking towards Mr.Han.

"w-what are you gonna do to me?" He asked with tears in his eyes.

"we're gonna have fun" Jimin said with a smirk.


next morning

You were walking towards the bus stop and you saw the cafe with police tape around. Your eyes widen as you read the sign.

"Sorry We're Closed"

The Vicious Three |yandere maknae line x reader|  Pt1Where stories live. Discover now