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"(Y/N)! Your father is back from work" you immediately jumped off of the bed and ran downstairs to see your father at the doorstep. You gave him a big hug. "Dad! I got a perfect score on my science test" you said.

"I'm so proud of you" he smiles as he ruffles your hair. You and your father have a special bond that no one can break. He has always been by your side.

"So how was work today?" You asked. He sighed before answering. "Tiring. We got new weapons though" he said. Your father works for a company that makes weapons for the military while your mom starts her own business.

"Now let's go eat. I can smell your mom's cooking from here" he said with a smile.


Hoseok and Yoongi were waiting outside your house to walk you to school. "Good morning Hoseok," you said as you walk towards them. "Hey (Y/N)" He answered. "and good morning to you too," you said to Yoongi. He grabs your hand, holding it tightly, making Hoseok chuckle.

"Let's get going. Namjoon and Jin Hyung are probably waiting for us" Yoongi said. The three of you walked to school together. It was a daily routine for the three of you to walk to school and buy food for each other if you guys had money.

"You three better have bought me something" Jin yelled.

"Actually we did and it was free," Yoongi said making Jin smile. "Ohh, what is it?" Jin asked. Yoongi smiles as he hands him the bag. "Enjoy eating the bag!" He said walking away from Jin. You, Hoseok, and Namjoon laughed at Jin's reaction. "Yah! Get your butt back here Min Yoongi!" He yells but Yoongi just walks inside the school building.

"(Y/N)! Go talk to your boyfriend! Why is he so mean to me yet so caring and soft towards you?" Jin complains.

"Because Hyung, (Y/N) is not like any other girl. You can say she's magical" Hoseok said.

"I'm the only magical one! Right Namjoon!?!" Jin said looking at him.

"Don't ask me" he answered.

"Let's go inside before Jin Hyung explodes"!Hoseok whispers into your ear and you nodded.

Yoongi and Hoseok were in the boy bathroom, talking. Namjoon and Jin were in the cafeteria distracting you. "I can't do it!" Yoongi said. Hoseok sighed as he looks at his nervous friend. "Yes, you can Yoongi. She won't judge you. You and I both know she won't." Hoseok told him.

"What if she declines?" Yoongi asked.

"For goodness sake! The girl has feelings only towards you!" Hoseok said as he shakes him. Yoongi nodded and the two of them headed out of the bathroom. As they were walking towards the cafeteria, they bumped into Violet. "Hey Yoongi and Hoseok" She smiles. The two boys rolled their eyes. "Hey, Violet. You need something?" Hoseok said.

"Actually is. Have you asked (Y/N) to the dinner dance? (you see when i graduated from middle school, the school hosted a dance before we graduated.)" Violet asked.

"I haven't yet but I know for a dam fact, you asked that because you hoped that I would be your date," Yoongi said.

"Oh no! I already have a date. I was just wondering" she smiles.

The Vicious Three |yandere maknae line x reader|  Pt1Where stories live. Discover now