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You woke up with your cat next to you. The whole night, you talked to those animatronics. They told you everything about themselves even though you didn't ask. They were just really happy to have you as their friend.

You get out of bed and headed towards the bathroom to do your daily routine. Once you finish, you headed towards the kitchen to make yourself breakfast and to feed your cat. While the two of you eat breakfast, you had the tv on, watching cartoons like you always do.

"do you ever feel lonely even though you're surrounded by so many people?" you asked your cat, not expecting an answer but you heard the cat meow a no.

"wow...thanks a lot" you said. After you finish eating, you decide to leave your house and go out for a walk. The only way to go to the park is to pass by the cafe. As you walked by the cafe, you saw many girls there. The boys were each surrounded by a group of girls.

Your eyes widen and your mouth dropped when you saw Jungkook caressing a girl's cheek. His eyes moved away from the girl and landed on you. His eyes widen when he saw you. You just gave him a thumbs up and then walked away not knowing what else to do. As you were walking towards the park, you starting questioning why the company want animatronics in their cafe? What was the main purpose of having them?

You finally arrived at the park and you really wanted to see the waterfall again so you headed off. You saw some many couples holding hands and smiling brightly at each other. You're happy that other people have happiness.

"how many times do I have to tell you Hoseok I don't like going out!" Your eyes landed on the two boys who were walking your way. You immediately ran behind a tree and hid, waiting for them to leave.

'why are they here? Especially him! Aish, forget it. They're gonna walk away and you'll be fine'

You looked and saw that they were gone. You sighed in relief. "Still avoiding me huh?" You froze when you heard his voice. Not wanting to turn around, you walked away from him. "Hey! I wasn't done!" He grabbed your hand, making you look at him.

"what do you want from me?" You asked.


"You what? You still want me to be part of your life after four years? Can't you see I don't want you in my life? Look, I forgive you. Don't feel pity for me. I told you I'm happy for you and what you do" you said pulling your hand away from him.

"I hope you became a producer like you always wanted to be" you said and walked away from him.

The boy was left there hurt. He knew you were hurt, but he didn't do anything about it. His friend came out and patted him on the back. "It's okay...she's tough cookie, just like you. No wonder you two dated in middle school. Look, she will come back when she's ready. You can't force her" Hoseok said.

"I caused her pain when we broke up. I left her when she needed me the most..."

"But as I said she's tough and she was able to deal with it with her mother. Don't blame yourself"

"i just want to apologize for what I did"

"one day you will. Just wait for her. She will one day walk up to you and talk to you about it"

"thanks a lot Hoseok"

"No problem..."


Please take good care of yourselves! I will update as soon as I can. Love you all!

 Love you all!

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