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a double update because of TXT's comeback


"I fucking hate this" Jungkook said as he and Taehyung watch from your laptop. They saw how close Jimin was to you and they hated it. He even kissed you in front of everyone, telling them that he's your boyfriend.

'I have an idea!' Jungkook thought with a smirk. Taehyung looked at him and ignored his smirk as he continues to watch the screen.

'You can have her tonight, but tomorrow she's all mine'


"(Y/N)..." you open your eyes to see Jungkook hovering on top of you. "J-Jungkook what are you doing?" You asked. "Remember you asked you'll own me and Taehyung something for leaving us behind?" He said and you nodded.

"Well there's a video game competition and I want to compete in it," he said.

"But Jungkook is that cheating since you're an animatronic?"

"It's not cheating if you don't get caught. After all, they won't notice. Soon pretty please!!! " he said. You smile since he looked so cute begging. "Alright Jungkook," You said. He immediately got out of your bed and jumped. "Yay!!" He said with a smile.

'he's so cute' you thought as you get out of bed.

"I'll be in the living room waiting," he said and walks out of your room.

"I guess it will be only me and Jungkook for today," you said walking into your bathroom.

After you did your morning routine, you walked into the living room and saw Jungkook ready to go. "Let's go! I told the others ready" he said opening the door.

"Ok- Woah!" You were dragged out of the apartment by him.

Meanwhile, your cat felt so lonely and walked into the guest room. Your cat saw Jimin on one of the bed and hopped onto the bed, getting comfortable next to him. Jimin felt something and opens his eyes. He sees your cat next to him. He was gonna pet it but...

"What the heck is this!?!" He said in an angry voice, waking Taehyung up. Taehyung sees that Jimin was tied into the bed. He looks down and sees he's also the same as Jimin.

"JEON JUNGKOOK!!!" They both yelled.

The bunny boy was smiling brightly as you were driving to the place where the competition is being held. The boy has his plan ready for today and he's gonna make sure no one ruins it so that's why he tied Jimin and Taehyung to the beds. Knowing how Jimin doesn't like sharing and Taehyung being the one who can make anyone weak with one look, he had to tie them.

"Wow, the place is far away from the city," you said. Jungkook smiles and says, "it is, but it's worth the journey, right?" and you nodded.

' No. no it isn't. I have school tomorrow and I'm gonna be tired. I'm only doing this for you' you thought as you drive.

It took a long time, but you two eventually got for the place and saw how pack it was with gamers. Jungkook was holding your hand as he was looking around the place. His eyes widen since he never has seen a place like this in person. You giggle at his reaction. He looks at you and smiles.

"Let's have fun!" He said.

The two of you walked inside and looked around the place before the event started. Apparently Jungkook has already signed himself in the competition and never told you. You were happy that he was having fun. He deserves it for living in the cafe and never seeing the outside world.

"look at her. damm she looks hella fine" you heard a guy say to his friends. "that red shirt she's wearing looks good on her," someone else said and that's when you realize that they were talking about. You looked at Jungkook who was glaring at them.

"I suggest you stop talking about my girlfriend," he said in a deep voice

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"I suggest you stop talking about my girlfriend," he said in a deep voice. The guys laughed at him and one of them said, "she's your girl? why on earth would she date someone like you?". You grabbed onto Jungkook's hand, telling him to leave them alone, but he didn't listen.

"It's alright, baby. I'll handle it" he said giving you a kiss on your forehead. Jungkook looks back to the guys. "now I'm gonna tell you again, stop talking about my girlfriend or else..."

" I won't hesitate to break all of your bones"

The Vicious Three |yandere maknae line x reader|  Pt1Where stories live. Discover now