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You were in your classroom, recalling what happened yesterday at lunch. Your mother was able to hide that hickey Jimin gave you so your brother didn't know. Anyways, he happened to tell you and your mother that he has a girlfriend. And that's when things went wrong for you.

Your mother then decided to tell your brother that you're 'dating' someone and that you both should bring your lovers over for dinner tomorrow. And now you're stuck here, wondering what you're gonna do.

' okay...I can pay someone to be my fake boyfriend but I barely talk to anyone so it won't work. You know what! I'm just gonna tell her that my 'boyfriend' broke up with me but then she won't leave me alone and think I'm heartbroken...i should have really think this through'

You bit your lip as you tried to think of more excuses to avoid this dinner. You didn't notice that someone was staring at you from a far distance.


Jimin was pushed against the wall. He had no idea what was going on and why Jungkook and Taehyung were angry. Jungkook has his hands around Jimin's neck as he sends him glares. "I'm not human so you aren't really causing me any damage, but for you, I will pretend....Ah let go" Jimin said.

"What did you do to her!?!" Jungkook yells at the older boy.

"To who?" Jimin asked.

"(Y/N)! You think we didn't notice that she had a mark on her neck. What did you do to her?" Taehyung asked.

Jimin looks down with a smirk on his face. 'So this is why they're angry...' Jimin pushes Jungkook away from him and fixes himself. "i just had to mark her so any boys out there can stay away from her" Jimin said.

"But you caused her pain!" Jungkook yelled. Jimin thought of it for a moment. Did he really caused you pain? But then he remembers you whimpering and your cheeks being red when he was leaving his mark. He chuckles and looks at the two younger boys.

"she liked it. you two really don't understand what girls like, huh? i told you to read those romantic novels but you two don't like reading. i guess you will never know" Jimin said leaving the bedroom.

Taehyung and Jungkook both looked at each other. They were confused by Jimin sudden changed. He was supposed to act like the nerdy and shy type, but today's he's been acting a bit to flirty. "S-Should we really read those novels?" Taehyung asked.

"Of course not. Jimin's probably saying that so we can become just like him. It's not gonna work" Jungkook said.

"You think she actually liked it? You know the mark on her neck?" Taehyung asked. Jungkook stood there quiet. He didn't have an answer to that question. He himself was confused. Was Jimin her ideal type?

Jimin walks into the cafe and sees you talking to the manger. He was kinda angry seeing you close to him and that his mark was hidden, but he pushes it aside and hears your conversation.

"Hyungwon, you said you have a younger brother right?" You asked.

"Yeah but he's twelve" he answered. You put your head down in defeat. "I'm doomed" you said making Jimin giggle.

"is there something wrong?" Hyungwon asked.

"Well my mother thinks I have a boyfriend because of something and she wants me to bring him over for dinner tomorrow. I tried to think of many different excuses but it they all end up her wanting to stay with me or wanting to beat up my 'boyfriend'. I was hoping your younger brother was around my age so I could have paid him to be my fake boyfriend" you said.

"I'm very sorry" Hyungwon said.

"No it's fine. I might as well have my mom stay with me until she thinks I'm not heartbroken over an imaginary boyfriend. See you on Friday" you said leaving the cafe.

The word boyfriend was getting stuck into Jimin's mind. He heard customers talking about their lover and how romantic and kind they are. He always hears girls talking about how they want someone next to them. Someone to hug at night, to give kisses...basically they want a boyfriend.

' I want a girlfriend '


You sighed as you were standing in front of your mother's door with no one. You didn't want to tell her that your 'boyfriend' broke up with you because you remember how she was with her friend when she and her boyfriend broke up. Just thinking of those memories brought you shivers.

You ring the door bell and you saw your mother very anger. "How could you send your boyfriend here? I expected to see you two together" she said pulling you inside her house. "He's in the living room...i can understand why you would have sex with him. he's very handsome. i just can't wait to see how your babies would look like" she said whispers the three last sentences.

Your cheeks turned red. Your mother laughs at your reaction and walks into the kitchen. You were hesitating to go to the living room. You wanted to know why your mother would say those weird things but at the same time, you have no idea who's there. It could be a complete stranger. You took a deep breath and headed towards the living room.

He looks at you, to see you wearing red v neck dress which was a bit short

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He looks at you, to see you wearing red v neck dress which was a bit short. Jimin bites his bottom lip and looks away to only lick his lips. All of those scenes he read in the books were coming to life.

"J-Jimin...what are you doing here? Where are your-" you didn't finish your sentence since he grabbed your hand pulling you towards him. He made you sit on his lap and his hands on your hips so you wouldn't move.

"You ask too many questions, you know that" he said. You were so confused by his sudden change in his attitude. He was the sweet and kind when you met him but he's becoming a bit of a flirt. You wanted to ask him something but your cheeks turned red when he started nibbling on your earlobe making a low moan escape your mouth.

"let's have fun, princess "

The Vicious Three |yandere maknae line x reader|  Pt1Where stories live. Discover now