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After visiting the boys, you went straight home. You took off your shoes and your cat come walking towards you. A smile appeared on your face. "You must me really hungry like me" you said as you walked into the kitchen. Before you fed your cat, you turned on the tv and the news appeared l.

The Kang Company announce that they will be holding a party to congratulate Mr.Kang's son as the new CEO. Many other CEOs will be attend this party"

All of the sudden, your phone started ringing. You answered your phone to hear your mother's voice.

*I need you to do me a favor*

"what type of favor?"

*your brother's girlfriend broke up with him so I'm currently staying with him. I was invited to the Kang's party but I can't go, so can you please go for me?*

"but mom, what about your assistant?"

*she's a mother now. (Y/N), you're gonna to be the future CEO of the company, you should learn who your future business partners*

She was right. You were going to take over the company soon. Your mother owns her own company. Many women looked up to her since she was from a poor family and worked hard for her company. You want to show her how hard working you are too so you always try to impress her. She always reminds you that she loves you no matter what. You love her so much.

"alright, I'll go"

*yay! you can also bring Jimin! I want all of those boys to stay away from you*

"you really like Jimin?" You chucked.

*of course! Even though I met him once, he really loves you, my dear daughter*


It was 3am and you were cuddling with your cat in bed. All of the sudden your phone starts ringing. You didn't want to answer it so you went back to sleep. Once again it rang and you didn't pick up. You then felt the warmth of your cat gone. You watch your cat get out of your bed and walk out of your room. You then heard the door bell ringing so you too got out of bed.

You walked towards the door and opened it to reveal, three animatronics. You saw all three of them looking up and down at you. You looked down at yourself and notice that you were just wearing your nightgown. Your cheeks turned red as all three of them were biting their lips.

'gosh, she looks so beautiful in that'

'Is it to early if I sleep with her now?'

'damm those thighs of hers'

Each of them thinking about you. You quickly grabbed a blanket from your couch and wrapped it around yourself. You headed back to the door and saw them still standing there.

"w-what are guys doing here?" You asked looking into the hallway to see if anyone else was there.

"w-we don't like staying with him..." Taehyung said.

"with who?" You asked.

"Our creator. We were able to runaway from him. We didn't know where else to go and Jimin said he knew where you lived so we came here" Jungkook answered. He immediately hugs you tightly. "we don't wanna go back" he said. You felt bad for them.

"Come in" you said opening your door more widely. Taehyung and Jimin both walked inside and saw your cat who was glaring at them.

"Take a seat" you said pointing at the couch. You quickly ran back to your room and wore a hoodie and shorts. You ran back into the living room and saw them playing with your cat. A huge smile appeared on your face.

"Alright since you three are gonna stay over for a while, there will be rules" you said and they nodded.

"Rule number one, you are not allow to enter my room without my permission. Rule number two, you have to stay here. You can't not leave my apartment. You will also need permission by me. And rule number three, don't interfere in my business" you said.

"Yes madam!" They said making another smile appear.

"Good. two of you can stay in the guest bedroom and one of you in the couch" you said.

"We'll take the guest room!" Taehyung and Jungkook said running towards the room. Jimin sighed and started getting himself comfortable on the couch, but you grabbed his hand. He looked up and saw you smiling at him.

"let's go before they notice" you whisper and he nodded. You led Jimin into your bedroom. You close the door and saw Jimin sitting on your bed.

"I thought I was supposed to sleep on the couch"

"Well, I felt bad for the one who was gonna end up on the couch, so I decided who were was picked, can stay with me" you said. He nodded and you started to remove your hoodie to reveal your nightgown again.

"I'm sorry, but I'm kinda used to sleeping with this one" you told him and he gave you a smile.

"It's fine. I hope it's fine with you if I can sleep with my underwear only" he said making your cheeks turn red. He chuckles at your reaction.

"It's fine"you answer as you get yourself back into your bed. You covered yourself with the blanket, not wanting to see Jimin shirtless. Your heart started racing when you felt a pair of arms around your waist. He started nuzzling at the crook of your neck. "good night, angel" he said.

And the two of you fell asleep in each other's arms.

All three of the boys were happy.


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The Vicious Three |yandere maknae line x reader|  Pt1Where stories live. Discover now