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You were in science class, thinking about what just happened last night. You made out with Jimin who is an animatronic and also you were getting finger by him! Your cheeks turn red as you remember you were moaning his name. You hid your face as someone walks towards you.

"Hey (Y/N)" you looked up to see one of the FOUR. He's known for being the most handsome out of them...well that's what he tells everyone. He's that one student who pulls out snacks during class because he gets very hungry easily. He loves eating food and before he would often steal your food.

"Hey Jin..." you said with an awkward smile. He takes the seat in next to you. "why are you sitting here?" You asked. " well since you were daydreaming about something, the teacher said we have a project and I'm your partner" he answered.

' ...great... I'm stuck with one of his friends, mr. worldwide handsome '

"How about we meet after school! We can go to this cafe I really wanted to go."

"Fine" you replied.

"Great! I made sure I brought a lot of money so I can eat the whole menu at the cafe!" Jin said with a smile. You and Jin started discuss what you two were planning on doing for the assignment but there was one question on your mind.

' How the hell am I going face Jimin? '


"I see that you're back. What happened you? Manger Hyungwon said you got some kind of virus. Are you okay now?" Jungkook asked. Jimin just nodded very happily. "Im doing amazing!" He smiles brightly.

' okay...there's something wrong with him ' both Taehyung and Jungkook thought. Normally when they come back from their creator, they would feel scared but Jimin was the opposite.

They watch Jimin who jumped into his bed. Jimin had his face into his pillow. The memories from last night were coming back to him. He was so happy that he got to see your family and that they already love him. And he can't forget what happened in your old room. The way you were moaning his name was driving him crazy. He just wanted to continue on touching you but he knew it would be too soon.

' gosh I wish we weren't at her mother's house. If we were at her place, I would have done so many things to her. She would have been a total mess underneath me. ' Jimin thought.

Taehyung walked out of the room and lean against the wall. He was thinking about what happened in his dream. He could feel something warm in his wires. This never happened to him before. Normally when he's around girls, he wouldn't think of kissing them and hugging them but then there's you. When he saw you, he just wanted to do those things to you. He wanted to kiss your lips and hold you tight in his arms. And now he wants to do those things to you that he dreamt of.

' how am I going face her? Would I just act the same or would I try to do it with her? Gosh! I really shouldn't have read Jimin's novels! No matter what happens between us, no one should know! '


' I can finally go home and sleep!' You thought as you were walking towards your locker. You grabbed your things and headed out of the school. You were about to start the journey back home but...

"(Y/N)!" You turned around and saw the FOUR. Hoseok was waving and smiling. Yoongi wasn't even looking at you. Namjoon was on his phone and Jin continues on shouting your name. The other students started looking at you.

' kinda forgot how loud Jin is ' you started walking towards them and once you were close to them, Hoseok gave you a big hug. "We missed you so much!" He said.

"It's been awhile since we all hung out together" Namjoon said.

"Yup! Four years... now let's go to the cafe before anyone decides to order the whole menu!" Jin said.

"Hyung, I don't think anyone would" Hoseok said making you chuckle. You remember the old memories you five shared. It was the best times of your life.

The five of you headed towards Jin's car and he drove off. You were in the middle of Hoseok and Yoongi while Jin and Namjoon were at the front. Yoongi was staring at the window since it's awkward between the two of you. Hoseok like always, being the loud and fun one.

"We're here!" Jin said as he was getting out of car along with the others. You got out of the car and when you looked through the window of the cafe, your eyes widen.

"Expresso Time!" Jin said with a smile. Yoongi grabbed Jin by the collar and started yelling at him.

"You brought us to a cafe where there's bunch of girls and three host! I swear Jin if you weren't my friend I would have-" Namjoon pulled Yoongi off of Jin.

"Relax Yoongi. They're not gonna bite. We're just here because Jin heard the desserts are good here. No one will bother us" Namjoon told Yoongi.

' the girls don't bite but the three boys inside...I don't know about them...' The five of you walk inside, you standing by Hoseok. Jungkook heard the bell ringing so he walks to the door.

"Welcome to Expresso Time! How can I-" His eyes went on you who was looking away.

"Hello. We're hoping you have a table for the five of us" Jin said with his smile.

"In the corner" Jungkook answers. The five of you walking to the corner and you made sure your head was down.

Jungkook watches you walk with those four boys. He was kinda piss seeing you with them and he wasn't the only one. Taehyung hated to seeing you so comfortable with other boys who aren't him and the others.

But the most angriest out of them was Jimin, who had a perfect view of the five of you. He bit his lip and he clenched his fist. He was anger that you hid all of those hickeys he made around your neck but he kept his anger inside.

"Remember when you and Jin would have an eating contest but he would always win and Yoongi had to hug you and tell you it was okay" Hoseok said making you and Yoongi look away. You did remember that and it was fun but it had to end at some up. You and the four guys jumped when you heard a slam on the table.


"Can I take your order?"

The Vicious Three |yandere maknae line x reader|  Pt1Where stories live. Discover now