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Taehyung was on his bed, cuddling with his plushie as he reads one of the romantic novels that Jimin owns. He was curious why you would like that bruise on your neck. Jungkook was playing video games on the computer.

"Jungkook, where's Jimin?" Taehyung asked.

"Manger Hyungwon said that Jimin needed to be fix so our creator has him" Jungkook replied.  Taehyung goes back into the novel. Taehyung was at the part where the male was touching the female thighs as he whispers dirty things into her ear.

He continues to read and he felt so weird. He decided to shut reading and take a small nap. He closes his eyes as he tries to sleep. Taehyung dreams about going out into the real world but his dreams soon became sexual. He saw you wearing only your undergarments. He didn't know why but he liked the view. He walked up to you and kissed your lips like he was starving.

The bear boy continues to dream of you and him together. He groans and moans into his sleep. He liked seeing you under him.

Meanwhile Jungkook looks to see Taehyung moving around and making weird noises. He was gonna ignore him but then Jungkook hears something.

"fuck (Y/N)~" Taehyung moaned. This made Jungkook get up from his seat and wake up Taehyung.

"wake up!" Jungkook yells. Taehyung opens his eyes and realize it was all a dream.

' did I really have a wet dream?' Taehyung asked himself.

"Why were you making weird noises? And why were you saying (Y/N)'s name so weirdly too?" Jungkook asked.

"I-I...i was dreaming that she was tickling me! That's it" Taehyung said.

" if you say so" Jungkook said going back to his video game"

' so that's why you gave her that mark...I should have known that you like labeling things that belong to you, but (Y/N) isn't yours, Jimin'


Chan-hee stepped out of the bathroom. She was done talking to her friend about your 'boyfriend'. She plans on breaking up with your brother and steal Jimin away from you.

"How about I give you a reward" Chan-hee can hear Jimin's voice. She leans closer to the door and looks through the door to see the two of you kissing. Jealously was growing inside of her. She can't believe that a girl like you was able to find a man like him. Chan-hee continues on watching of two of you kiss.

The shy and nerdy Jimin was now gone and replaced. He pulls away from the kiss and looks at you. Your cheeks were brightly red and you were out of breathe. It was a beautiful scene from him but there was more he wanted to see. He then starts leaving kisses on your neck.

"j-jimin we shouldn't be doing this" you said as he continues on kissing your neck. He whispers into your ear, "and i shouldn't be here but i am". A moan escapes from your mouth when he was sucking on a sensitive spot. He smirks and continues on sucking in that spot. You felt your body feeling weak. There was no way for you to push him away. The only way he could stop would be if someone walks in on you two but then you will be in so much trouble.

Your cheeks went back to red when you felt his hand slowly going up. "jimin..." you said. He hummed as he continues to mark up your neck. "what are you doing?" You asked nervously.

(You know what happens)

Everything that Jimin is doing to you, he learned them in his novels. He's lucky that the other two didn't read his novels or else they would soon be doing the same thing as he was doing to you. A smile appears on his face as he hears you moaning his name. He liked seeing you like this. Weak to his touch.

You were trying to catch your breath. Jimin pulls his finger out and he licks the liquid you made.

"such a sweet taste" he said licking every bit of his fingers, not wanting your liquid to go to waste.

"Now (Y/N), you have to be a good girl and not tell the others about this. Only you and I can know about this. No one else is allowed to touch you." Jimin tells you in his deep voice. You nodded, not knowing what else to say. You just got fingered by an animatronic.

"good girl" he said patting your head.

Meanwhile, Chan-hee was downstairs with your mom and brother. She was too busy thinking about what she just saw. She didn't see the whole thing. She just saw him leaving hickeys around your neck. Chan-hee wanted him to do the same thing to her.

"(Y/N) said she doesn't feel so well, so I'm gonna take her home. It was very nice meeting you all" Jimin said with a smile.

"Gosh Jimin, you're so amazing. I'm so happy that she found a guy like you. Her ex boyfriend was-"

"don't talk about him" you said.

"Anyways, I hope I can see you again" your mom said.

Jimin looked at Chan-hee who was staring at him. Her cheeks turned red and she looks away. "I hope so too. And I do promise you that I will never leave your daughter for someone else who's worthless. (Y/N) is the only one for me" Jimin smiles.

' get that through your thick head, you disgusting human being '  Jimin thought.

"That's good to hear" Your mother smiles. You and Jimin both leave your mom's house and start walking back to your house since you two still had time. Once you two were far away from your mother's neighborhood, Jimin decides to stopped and pin you against the wall.

"who's your ex boyfriend?"

The Vicious Three |yandere maknae line x reader|  Pt1Where stories live. Discover now