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The four human boys looked up and saw the waiter/host who was giving them all a death stare. They gulped in fear and were trying to speak but no words came out of their mouths.

"Can I take your order?" Jimin asked again. Hoseok hid himself behind his backpack while Yoongi and Namjoon try to act cool. "I will like to have one of everything, please" Jin said. Jimin nodded as he wrote down Jin's order. He then looked back at the other three. "What about you three?" Jimin asked.

"I will like a cup of coffee" Namjoon said.

"Can I have a slice of your strawberry cake" Hoseok said.

"I'm fine" Yoongi answers. Jimin wrote down the other two orders and then looked up at you who was hiding your face in your book.

"how about you babygirl?" Jimin asked making your cheeks turn red. Yoongi stood up and looked at Jimin. "you aren't allow to call her that!" He yells. Jimin tilts his head and smirks. "And why not?" He asked.

"She's your customer!"

"Did you forget that you four are at a cafe where we, the host entertain girls. She's a girl, so I'm just doing my job"

Yoongi was about to fight Jimin but Namjoon stopped him. "Relax Yoongi. He's right. He's just doing his job but calling her that is still inappropriate" Namjoon said looking Jimin when he said his last sentence. Jimin just walked away and rolled his eyes.

' they should know this is our territory. We control the place. We can easily smash your head like a bug. Just keep your hands away from her and you will still be alive'

Jimin walks inside the kitchen and gives Hyungwon the order. Jimin walks back and heads towards his customers who are waiting for him. He sat down still having his eyes on you.

"okay...that was weird" Hoseok said now coming out of his bag.

"It was..." Namjoon said. Yoongi looks at you who was staring at him. Both of your guys cheeks turn red and you two looked away from each other. "So (Y/N) about that project..." Jin said trying to forget what happened a few minutes ago.

"Yes! I had a few ideas we can do" you said taking out your notebook. You and Jin talk about the project and Namjoon decided to give you two a head with it. You forgot that Namjoon is very smart and has the highest grades in your grade.

Meanwhile Taehyung was cleaning up the table where his customers were. He had no more customers right now so he's free. As he wipes the table down, he sees you get up from your seat and walking towards the bathroom.

Taehyung just follows right behind you

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Taehyung just follows right behind you. You walk into the bathroom and start washing yourself to get your head clear. The whole scene with Jimin was running through your head. He was clearly angry at you first but he then started to get Yoongi angry.

"stay focus!" You said to yourself as you stared at your reflection. You jumped when you saw Taehyung behind you.

"T-Taehyung...what are you doing here?" You asked. He doesn't say anything but he looks up and down at you. You blush when you see him licking his lips.

'gosh he really looks hot right now, but remember he's an animatronic just like Jimin. He might play the same trick on you like Jimin did'

Taehyung pushes you again the wall and looks straight into your eyes.


"you know, a girl like you shouldn't be wearing a school uniform in front of boys because..." he leans closer to your ear.

"they can pull off something like this" he starts nibbling your earlobe. once again you gave up. You're just a human girl and he's an animatronic with more power than you. He slowly unbuttons your shirt, revealing the hickeys Jimin left you. You saw that Taehyung was piss but a smirk soon appeared.

"I knew he would do something like this...leaving marks all over your neck but this means..."

"I can leave my marks on your thighs"

The Vicious Three |yandere maknae line x reader|  Pt1Where stories live. Discover now