Teach Me How To Love(Gavin Reed x Android!Fem!Reader)

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small nsfw (neck kisses, touchy-feely stuff, suggestiveness)
strong language
Gavin being Gavin

"Reed! In my office, now!"

Fowler was once again yelling at Reed. A typical day in the office.

You were a new prototype; TR800, to be exact. You were a detective, programmed to help the DPD with crimes.

Your (H/C) hair was tied up into a small ponytail, with a few loose strands falling down the sides of your face. Programmed to act, look, and talk just like a human, you knew what your orders were and did not take them lightly.

You were introduced to the other RK800 prototype, Connor, on your very first day at the department. The two of you were to become coworkers, and you very much enjoyed his company.

Fowler practically had you on your feet at any given time. Today, you were being introduced to your new partner.

You watched as Detective Gavin Reed, a very eccentric man at his best, lazily got up from his cubicle and marched into the office.

"What the hell do you w--"

Gavin looked over at you and groaned. "Another fuckin' Android. Just great. As if walking forensics lab wasn't annoying enough."

"Reed, meet your new partner, (Y/N). I've stuck you two together for a very important mission today."

"Hello, Detective Reed. It's very nice to meet you."

"Sure is." Gavin grumbled sarcastically.

"(Y/N), do you have anything to say to Detective Reed over here?" Fowler asked, looking at Gavin with a sly smile. Fowler was a bit more fond of you than any of the other Androids. Most of the time you kept to yourself and didn't bother him.

"Yes. Detective Reed, I am afraid that if you do not cooperate on this mission, I will have to ask you to hand over your badge. Fowler's word." You said, smiling.

Gavin groaned. "O-fucking-kay. Where's the fuckin' mission at, Jeffrey?"

"Eden Club." Fowler said. "Some guy got stabbed by a male Android there."


Fowler nodded. "You two should be on your way, shouldn't you? Report back to me if you find anything. The cops are there with reinforcements if anything happens. You hear?"

"Yes, Captain Fowler." You said.

"Ugh. Okay."


"Why the hell did they pair me up with a girl Android?" Gavin mumbled as you sat in the passenger seat of his car.

"I'm not sure, but I can already tell that I enjoy your acquaintance, Detective Reed." You said with a wink.

Gavin rolled his eyes and kept his focus on the road. "Know any coin tricks like that plastic asshole back at the department?"

"Why, yes, I do. Would you like to see? It's nothing more than calibration and memorization."

"N-no. Just wondering."

You nodded, and listened intently to the music blaring from the radio. You scanned it, learning that it was "Pussy Liquor" by Rob Zombie.

"I like this song. It's very energetic."

"You like Rob Zombie? Since when do Androids have a taste in music?"

"I don't have a 'taste' per say, but I think it's charming."

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