I Dreamt Of You (Ralph x Fem!Reader)🖤

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(i love Ralph a lot so I wrote this!! he's a very good character and he's so adorable. In this one, you have psychic powers that somehow allow you to predict things. Since this is Ralph he will be talking in the 3rd person like he does in the game. Just to clear any confusion. There is smut in this one but it's very soft and loving. I can imagine Ralph to be a very caring lover :) Enjoy!)

Your dreams weren't ordinary.

For some odd reason you had these...powers. One night you would dream of something and the next day it would happen. They weren't like those crazy acid trip dreams that most people have--they felt real, and there were no crazy things happening in them.

One night as a child, you dreamt of your past dog getting hit by a bus. The next day, he did.

You wanted to tell your parents but the fear of them not believing you and sending you to a doctor kept you from telling them. Even now, in your early 20s, you still hadn't told them. And it was for the best.

You had also experienced a good bit of sleep paralysis, and even learned how to lucid dream. You did it frequently, as it was a way to escape the true world and lift your body into the dreamworld. It all felt so real that you could just reach out and touch everything within the dream.

On some occasions, you even found yourself floating in midair upon waking up. To snap out of it, you had to wiggle your big toe on your left foot.

You never saw a psychiatrist about it. It was normal for you, and you got used to it at about 17. Normally, sleep paralysis sessions would last about 3 minutes at best. Then, you would drift into sleep as if nothing had happened.

Your friends even went as far as to call you a psychic. You didn't believe so, but these dreams of yours obviously had some significance--were you really a psychic?

First, you tested your powers. Tarot cards, an ouija session or two, more lucid dreaming. And your powers had always seemed to work.

But how? Was it a family thing?

Checking your family tree, a long line traced back to your great-great-grandmother. She also experienced things like these, and would often do public shows across America. She was famous...and you never got to meet her.

Could you get in contact with her somehow? Probably, but it would be dangerous.

A few nights passed. Nothing too out of the ordinary happened. Until last night.

You usually stayed up until 11 to do some extra work for online writing classes and such. Being a writer drained a lot of energy out of you. You wouldn't doubt it if you got carpal tunnel one day.

After wrapping up a long session of writing a few short haikus, you decided to head to bed. You fed your dog and your hamster and got a quick snack of chips and water and climbed into bed, switching off the lamp and pulling the weighted blanket over you. You turned on the white noise machine and closed your eyes...

You found yourself on the streets of Detroit this time. It seemed to be noon, with the streets busy. You must've been coming out of your apartment and were probably heading to get lunch.

You passed an alleyway, and felt a hand snake around your mouth, closing it shut and pulling you

"Give me your money..." A deep voice growled. "And I won't hurt you."

You whimpered, and acted as if you were dishing out a few dollars in cash, your hand swimming around for anything, anything to ward him off.

Then you heard a voice.

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