Sugar, Please (Mad Hatter x Fem!Reader)

852 11 13

fluff/kind of a vent
some strong language
tw self harm/suicide mention
set in modern day, but still with some aspects of the Wonderland in the movie
in case you didn't tell, this will be the 2010 version of the Mad Hatter (Johnny Depp). I genuinely have a small crush on him and he's a comfort character for me so please don't comment negative things.
This is sort of a vent since I've been going through a lot rn. Thank you and enjoy!

"(Y/N)! Dinnertime, hun!" Your mother calls for you from the kitchen.

You smile and slide off your bed, making your way toward the kitchen where your mother was standing with two plates of spaghetti in hand. On the table, there were candles and flowers, and a large cake with the words: "Happy Birthday, (Y/N)!"

It was your 19th birthday, and you couldn't be happier.

"Ma, what's all this? It's so extravagant!"

Your mother smiles, and motions for you to come outside with her. She opens the patio doors and places the plates on a small table outside. There were balloons tied to the railing, and gift bags with lord knows what in them.

You take a seat in one of the chairs and chuckle. "Dinner looks great, ma. Thank you."

Your mother takes a seat. "You're welcome, dear. Anything for the birthday girl, hm?"

You nod and begin to eat. Your mother smiles sadly as she watches you. "I wish...your father was here."

You sigh. "I know, ma. I miss him too."

You place a hand on hers with a reassuring smile. "I'm sure he's proud of me for making it this far."

You look down at the scars on your wrist, tugging your sleeve down a bit more so your mother couldn't see.

Things were...hard.

Depression had got its hold of you, and you were stuck in a rough spot you could barely get out of. Your mother had no idea you had been self harming recently. Talking to her would only make it harder on her.

"I know, dear. I'm glad you've made it this far, too."

She takes your hand in hers. "Finish eating, dear. I have a surprise for you."

She gets up from her chair and kisses you on the forehead. You furrow your brows then smile. She had never kept secrets like this.

You finish up your spaghetti and pop in a breathmint, fixing your hair up and making sure you looked presentable. The surprise could've been company, for all you knew.

You make your way down the side stairs of the patio.

And from the corner of your eye, you could see a white rabbit between two bushes in the garden.

You squeeze your eyes shut and blink them a few times. The rabbit was gone.

"Alrighty. Guess we have rabbits now. I'll have to tell m--"

You're interrupted by the rustling of trees across from the garden.

"(Y/N)! Hurry on!" Your mother calls for you.

"In a minute!" You respond, still keeping your eyes on the trees.

You slowly take a few steps toward them, taking out your phone and shining the flashlight toward the dark patches of the trees. Kneeling down, you can barely see anything other than...a deep hole.

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