Playing Cards (Rouxls Kaard x F!Reader)🖤

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a/n: cw for um. rouxls tentacle dick? idk how else to explain. reader is a Lightner captured and made servant for the King.

"Human! Art thou dead already?!"

"N-No, sir, just tired--"


You look up at the freakishly tall, violet blue man standing before you, his white hair wispy like feathers. "Yes?"

"Didst thee get sleep last night?"

"No. I'm sorry, Mr. Kaard."

Rouxls sighs, composing himself. "Very well. Wouldst thou liketh me to inform his Majesty of thy current...situation?"

"Yeah, that's fine."

Rouxls looks as if he's contemplating, then shakes his head. "What was thy name, again?"


"(Y/N). Very well, then, human."

A steady, still tension fills your chambers. For some reason, it was like your holding cell was more comfortable and well-kept than any other prisoner's. Maybe it was because you were a servant, but you were given a large bed and a wardrobe, as well as a shower. You weren't quite sure of the circumstances, though. You just wanted to go home.

"Did you need anything else, Mr. Kaard?"

"I...n-no. It is nothing. Dinner is to be served in the dining room. Thou can eat when thee'd liketh. Just don't waiteth too long, thy food will get chilly."

"Thanks. I'll be down in a minute, sir."

Rouxls nods. "I guess thou can haveth the day off..."

"Wait, really? I can?"

"I will have to asketh His Majesty first, though. First, thou must haveth dinner, though. I bid thee farewell for now."

"Seeya later, Rouxls."

Rouxls turns his heels and makes his way out of your chambers, closing the door behind him. You sit up from bed and smile. Rouxls cared for you. He truly did, and that's what was so special about him.

The tall Darkner didn't treat anyone nearly as kind as he treated you. Of course, there were times where he didn't seem like the most favourable monster, but you knew, deep down, there was a heart of gold in him that he oftentimes refused to show. You had seen the good side of him, when he had brought dinner to you when you were too tired, or when you just needed someone to talk to in your quiet chambers.

Rouxls was kind of like a friend to you. A close friend, in fact, as he had listened to you rant on and on about different things, how Lancer had annoyed you, how much you missed home--he was the only one who listened. He made sure you ate every day, that you get sleep. Maybe it was only because you were a Lightner kept captive, and that the King needed you alive, but you really didn't think that was the only case. Rouxls was an amazing listener, and made you feel a lot better just talking to him.

You were so grateful for him. So grateful, even, that you had a small crush on him for the couple of weeks you had stayed.

You desperately wanted him to know, but he was quite possibly way out of your league. And you couldn't blame him if he didn't feel the same way. Hell, he was probably the most beautiful Darkner you'd met. Saying Rouxls was pretty would be an understatement, he was absolutely gorgeous. The contrast between his royal blue skin and his white hair was so unique, and the way he seemed to stay elegant as always, even under pressure, was impressive. His skin looked as if it was crafted from sapphires, and it even sparkled!

Sometimes getting out of your bed was a challenge. Rouxls, however, woke you up at around eight o'clock every day, and you felt more encouraged to do the tasks assigned to you. You knew that, maybe one day, you'd be able to return home to your father, who you missed dearly.

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