Sugar, Please (Part 2)🖤

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strong/nsfw language

You had spent the night with Tarrant, the Hatter, of course. The two of you, alone together. His home was very cozy, and quaint, not too far from the White Queen's castle.

Mirana, the White Queen, was surprised to hear of your relationship with Tarrant. Never in a million years did she see it coming. Tarrant seemed to be the loner type to everyone that knew him.

Her sister, Iracebeth, the Red Queen, was shocked. In her past, she had a hatred of Tarrant for ruining her coronation as a young girl. After Alice visited a second time, though, she seemed to learn from her past "mistakes" of trying to take over Underland.

You weren't as eccentric as the others, or dressed as wildly as them. Tarrant made a small black top hat for you with a red band, but that was about it.

Your first idea was to go shopping for clothing that would make you fit in, but you knew you had to get home as soon as possible after the night was over.

The night seemed long.

Tarrant held you in his arms, not wanting to let go. You As safe as somebody could be in a crazy person's arms. You dozed off to sleep minutes after you had just lied down with him.

And you didn't want to wake up in fear of if being a dream.

After you had arrived home, your mother was worried sick. She was checking everywhere for telltale signs of injuries or wounds, but there were none. Only a bruise on your thigh and the scars on your wrist, which you had to explain to her.

You spoke with her about Tarrant. About everyone you had met in Underland.

Chess, the Hare, Mally, Tweedledum and Tweedledee, Absolem, Iracebeth, Mirana, Bayard--new friends that were just as mad in the head as Tarrant was.

She was overly supportive in your decision to date Tarrant, and even begged you to go back and let her meet him.

Today was the day.

"Ma, are you packed yet?" You called out for her as you were finishing up packing your things.

"In a sec, honey!" She replied.

You zipped up your suitcase and rolled it into the living room, smiling.

Your mom entered soon afterward, lugging her suitcase with her. "Three days in...Underland. Right?"


"I thought it was Wonderland?"

"Apparently not. Ready to go?" You ask, picking up the music box from the coffee table.

Your mother nodded, giving you the affirmative to wind the music box.

You winded it, and you found yourself in front of Tarrant's large hat-shaped house. You smile as your mother looks up at it in awe.

"How?" She gasps, setting her suitcase down.

"Welcome to Underland, ma." You say with a giggle.

You knock on the door. "Tarrant? It's me, (Y/N). I'm here with my mother."

The door opens swiftly, and you are welcomed to a grinning Tarrant.

"(Y/N)! So nice to see you, my dear!" He rejoices, hugging you tightly.

"You too, sweetie. Tarrant, this is my mother. Ma, meet Tarrant Hightopp."

Tarrant smiled as he shakes your mother's hand. "So nice to meet you, Miss (L/N). You'll be staying over a few nights, yes?"

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